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T'was two weeks before Christmas and all through Iraq
The people still worried that Saddam would be back
The soldiers went out on their nightly patrol
Capturing the bad guys was always their goal
With raids seeming endless in the triangle Sunni
We hoped that not all of Iraq was so looney
We gathered the tribe of Saddam in Tikrit
And suddenly now they all started to snit
They told of a farm where Hussein just might be
Odierno then called on our boys from the great 4th ID
More rapid than Ba'athists our soldiers they came
And he whistled and shouted and called them by name
Now Delta, Now Rangers, Now Cavalry too!
On Green Hats, on Pilots, I need all of you!
Go to that farm and secure it right now
Capture his ass ~ you guys know how!
Off went our soldiers under cover of night
So stealthy, so quiet, with no trace of light
While we back at home were eating our lunches
Our boys on the ground were following hunches
And then it was time for the raid to begin
The first target came up empty within
Could it be our Intel was wrong once again?
No! Somewhere nearby is the wolf in his den
And then, in a twinkling, camouflage torn away
In a hole in the ground did their quarry lay
Dazed and confused, right at them he looked
Did the stupid old fool know his goose was now cooked?
He was dressed all in rags from his toes to his head
And his beard was as matted as 12 day-old bread
How the mighty had fallen, could this be Hussein?
One look in his eyes was to know he's insane
Our boys got their man ~ how proud we all are
The relief in our country is felt near and far
A bath he's had now ~ yet he'll never be clean
Forever tainted with mass torture and his Fedayeen
To our soldiers, we give our undying respect
You always give more than we ever expect
We hope you can now have a night with some fun
Your loved ones back home say ~ JOB DAMN WELL DONE!