August 11, 2003

Iraqi Worries

Iraq is worrying me again. Attacks continue on our GI’s. If can get Saddam, I believe it will help, but it won’t be the end of the attacks.

Clearly the strategy of the combatants is to create enough casualties that the American public will tire of the situation and retreat home. Then the thugs will again take over Iraq and we will be back where we started. Only now we will be several billion dollars poorer and suffer a couple hundred dead GI’s.

Given the enemy’s determination, can Iraq ever become a democracy? Will the combatants continue their struggle even after the US has left? Will it dissolve into another Somalia?

People as asked me which is better Saddam dead or alive. I say, he is better dead. Should we take him alive and attempt to put him on trial, some French lawyer will defend him. The trial would turn into a circus and he might even get off.

Posted by Ted at August 11, 2003 7:42 PM