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Remember those 16 words in Bush’s SOTU speech about Iraq attempting to buy uranium in Niger. It was true. Iraq WAS attempting to buy uranium in Niger.
Remember Joe Wilson. He’s the one that went to Niger to investigate that allegation. He claimed he found no evidence. He told everyone that would listen that Bush lied about Iraq trying to buy uranium form Niger. All the news organization ran stories on it.
But in his debrief to the CIA he gave them information that actually strengthened the case that Iraq was trying to buy uranium from Niger.
Joe Wilson also claimed that his wife, a CIA operative, did not recommend him for that mission. The recent senate report on the matter concludes that Wilson’s wife DID recommend him for the mission.
We now know, Joe Wilson lied, Joe Wilson lied, Joe Wilson lied. Bush told the truth and is now vindicated.
Why don’t I see that all over the news?
What media bias?
Posted by Ted at July 15, 2004 6:02 PM