October 23, 2004

Another letter to the editor

The Press of Atlantic City printed my letter to the editor this morning. Here's the text of that letter.

Osama Bin Laden is dead.

That’s the only conclusion that makes sense. Ayman al-Zawahri recently released a tape wherein he called for attacks against the infidels. Bin Laden has never been shy, so why would al-Zawahri put the tape out, when Osama could have? Because Bin Laden is dead.

He died not as a martyr, but rather as the cornered miserable piece of scum that he was. That means no 72 virgins for him. Bush doesn’t worry about Bin Laden anymore because he longer breathes.

Al Qaeda and terrorism are still very real and deadly threats, but Bin Laden is not. Thanks to U.S. forces, one way or another, he as assumed room temperature.

Now it's al-Zarqawi's turn

Ted Armstrong

Posted by Ted at October 23, 2004 8:49 AM

I Pray your right---What relief it would be

Posted by: Capt. Ron Robbins at October 24, 2004 12:14 PM

There are no guarantees. But, based on the evidence I see, I think it is a logical conclusion

Posted by: Ted at October 24, 2004 1:47 PM