March 1, 2005

Daily Market Report

I’m very happy I moved my stop loss orders higher last night. Three trades were stopped out today. Here’s how I wound up on them.

FRO +11.5%
OMM +2.2%
OSG +3.0%

At least I got out on the positive side.

Since I will be out of town the rest of the week, I have cancelled all open buy orders and have only one trade still in play. I have my stop loss as tight as I can on this, so it’s on automatic pilot.

Posted by Ted at March 1, 2005 8:09 PM

Not bad. The FRO turned out very well and you didn't loose on the others. I'm running ahead on about 10 of my 13 stocks right now. Most are just a few cents, but I'm still ahead also.

Posted by: Reb Orrell at March 3, 2005 7:46 AM