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Sometimes I wonder what goes through people’s heads. Here’s an article in the Washington Times from a former Labor Department Chief Economist under Bush’s first term. Mr. Morgan Reynolds claims the World Trade Center collapse not because of the attack but rather from a controlled demolition.
This economist doesn’t understand much about engineering or good logic. If you notice, in both towers the collapse started at the point of impact. You should also observe that the tower attacked second collapsed first.
That’s because the point of attack on the second tower was at a lower floor level. Being lower on the tower means more weight above it. That why the second tower went first.
Once the first floor collapsed, the momentum with tons of weight behind it would keep the momentum going. It probably picked up speed as it progressed. Once all floors had pancaked, the momentum continued the floors above the initial impact point to also collapse.
Later the first tower followed the second one to the ground.
The second point I would make, can you imagine, in the middle of the mayhem, a team going into the tower to plant explosives. If you look at a real controlled demolition the team spends days planting and planning their explosives and doing damage to the structure to weaken it.
Mr. Morgan Reynolds sounds like he is off his rocker. His hiring was obviously a mistake.
To think he now teaches others. Sheesh!
Posted by Ted at June 14, 2005 8:07 PM