July 3, 2005

Backyard Photoblogging

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This is a photo out the back window at your back yard. The pink row you see are the Vorlon Wife’s Impatiens. They’re coming along very nicely. The white dish you see is really the birdbath. In our case, we have it sitting on the ground instead of on a pedestal. We’ve recently gotten some nice rain, so I’ve stopped watering the lawn – for now.

You’ll notice there is no thumbnail to click on, only a link. That because my web host had yet to properly load Image::Magick. I have asked them to load it, and they said they did. However, I still cannot generate thumbnails and when I query my Movable Type; it tells me that Image::Magick is not loaded. I’ve entered a support ticket, but am unlikely to get the problem resolved until after the holiday. Sigh.

Posted by Ted at July 3, 2005 5:59 PM