November 13, 2005

11/13 Mornng Update

I think the worst is behind me. Although I feel rather weak and still get various shooting pains, I feel like I’m on the mend. I just reviewed my posts from three weeks ago and I see I went through a similar cycle after my previous Neulasta shot.

At least I seem to be sleeping well and I think that helps. I’ve done basically nothing for the last two days. It’s time to get some movement going. At my current rate, I’ll turn into a vegetable. I should probably set up some kind of mild exercise program to keep at least a little muscle tone.

Posted by The Vorlon at November 13, 2005 7:32 AM

Looks like you are staying on top of your recovery from the treatments, You describe each day as showing some progress if even little things can become Big things like staying active.
Which is as important as your treatments.
You are to be commended, Keep up the good work and attitude.

Posted by: Mother and Dad at November 13, 2005 9:17 AM