June 12, 2006

No Chemo Today

I just got back from the oncologist’s office – no treatment today. My white cell count is too low – it is 1,200. Last week it was 20,400. I will tell you, I was a VERY unhappy camper. I don’t think I rose to my usual graceful self. Now I will get a Neupogen shot every morning of this week. I suspect it may degrade me but, we’ll see. My concern is my last Neupogen shot is Friday and then I wait until Monday for my treatment. What happens over the two-day weekend? Will I be back too low again next Monday?

The nurses keep telling me they can’t give me a Neulasta shot while I’m getting chemo. I remain unconvinced. I told them that if I’m in a leaky boat, I don’t wait until I get back to shore, before I start bailing.

I’m still fuming a bit. Actually, I’m fuming a lot. I feel like my medical team is letting me down. I consider it their job to make sure things go right. I don’t suffer failure lightly.

Posted by The Vorlon at June 12, 2006 2:37 PM