August 8, 2006

August 8 Final Update

My meeting with the client tired me out. Three hours in front of a client doing, training is relatively stressful. It just took more energy than I had.

I stopped for some pizza on the way back to the office. After lunch, I felt really tired. I was tempted to curl up with my blankey and take a nap. But I had work to do so I toughed it out. I sent the Vorlon Wife out for a 16 oz Wawa coffee and that helped.

But I’m feeling pretty wiped tonight.

I’m off to bed.

Posted by The Vorlon at August 8, 2006 8:31 PM

Your attitude on working under such stressful circumstances is commendable.
However the body as well as the mind needs some time off.

Posted by: Mom and Dad at August 8, 2006 9:05 PM