September 25, 2006

September 25 Final Update

Today was a bit better. I went to the office, but was really tired. I laid down on my chase lounge with my blankey and took a nap. That seem an improvement and I ran pretty strong the rest of the day.

I think I may have to go back to my compression hose. My ankles are looking pretty puffy tonight.

I bought some Tastykake cream-filled chocolate cupcakes and they seem to go down very well indeed. I suppose they’re on the fatty side of life, but I need to get my weight up. A good chunk of fat, when you’re working on keeping ON pounds, can’t hurt.

The numbness in my fingertips and feet is really irritating. My right hand seems a little worse than my left – go figure.

My feet are really numb. I don’t notice it until I stand up to walk. Weirdly, although they are numb and they are also very sensitive to bruising. Any little irritant really makes itself known.

I slept pretty well last night and I’m hoping for a better night tonight.

Posted by The Vorlon at September 25, 2006 8:49 PM


I will gladly give you some of my weight to carry you over the next few weeks. I known what you are talking about the hands and feet. Are you right handed if so that is why the right is worse. I am keeping you in my prayers and hope thing get a little easier for you!!!!

God Bless

Posted by: Doris Bertolino at September 26, 2006 1:22 PM