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I did just a LITTLE better than yesterday.
The Vorlon Wife and I visited the new Target store they just erected in our area. We got bowls, a lease and other supplies for the pending dog. We did not get any food for him. I’ll ask them what he likes. We got a couple of toys, but it’ll be an experiment to discover what he likes.
The trip really tired me out. Now I’m just ready for bed.
Posted by The Vorlon at October 15, 2006 8:02 PMHave you tried looking into the local SPCA for a dog? One of my friends always goes there first, and has gotten many dogs from them. Yes, they could be pricey but worth a shot if you haven't already tried them.
We keep talking about getting a dog too, but not seriously enough. We adopted our cat from Carl's parents after they passed. This was a good choice, as the cat is very friendly and lovable.
Posted by: Sharon Masters at October 16, 2006 12:14 AMWe have been looking at the animal shelters in the area. I too would like a cat, but I don't want to put up with the shedding. That why we are currently leaning towards getting a small poodle or poodle mix.
Posted by: Ted at October 16, 2006 6:56 AMIf Perry is going to be your new dog, he is absolutely gorgeous, and that face is just precious. I feel you will all fall in love with each other fast. He probably never imagined he would be so lucky to have Ted & Karol Armstrong as his parents. As they say, "Lucky Dog".
I pray that you are feeling some better today. I'm alays thankful that you're such a fighter and are able to battle through SO much. May this day be a good one for you Ted
And, my prayers to Reb and his family. It's difficult to care for your aging parent(s), but as I discovered caring for my mother through her final illness, this became one of the most beautiful times of my life. She was somewhat like Reb's father, always smiling and trying to do her best. I am praying for peace and comfort for your father each day. It's really wonderful that he is able to be surrounded with love from many friends and family. Bless you for the love and caring you are sharing with your dear father. A gift for both of you. Ruth
Posted by: Ruth Berlien at October 16, 2006 10:29 AM