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We have discovered another toy that Danny likes to play with – the flashlight. He seems fascinated at the light on the floor and will chase it all over. He would probably also chase the red dot from my laser pointer, but I don’t want to take the chance of accidentally shining it in his eye. Besides the light from the flashlight sees to work fine.
We were concerned as he ate very little this morning. At lunchtime, one of the ladies at the lunch table picked a few pieces of cheese out of her salad.
It didn’t take him long to inhale them I gave me a piece of my left over steak. It was rather tough, but he inhaled that too. I figure he was just on strike for better food.
Whether the Vorlon Wife or I is missing, he misses whichever is not there. I had an appointment with a client. The Vorlon Wife said that after I left, he laid down next to the door waiting for my return.
Tonight, the Vorlon Wife went to Bible Study and he lay down next to the door. I went upstairs and a few minutes later, he showed up. I put him on the bed and he lay right down. But when he heard her come home, he was off the bed and down the stairs like a shot.
It almost breaks my heart to think how his previous owner let him go and, when we went to pick him up, ours was the only adoption application on file for him.
I need to finds some treats that he really likes so I can start training him. The new Petsmart store is having a grand opening this weekend. Perhaps they’ll have sample we can test on him.
Posted by The Vorlon at November 1, 2006 8:41 PMDanny Boy sounds just like Cubby. When ever one of us is gone he sits in his chair by the window untill we return. When he sees the car return he
lets out the most high pitched screem. You would think he was getting killed. He is just so happy that we have returned. One can't imagine what he went through while on the loose.
We are so glad you found him.
Good luck with your blood count tomorrow.
Posted by: Mother & Dad at November 1, 2006 8:54 PMOur first cocker, Lacey, loved to play with the flashlight. Nora called it 'Spot'. Lacey would chase it all over the room. Sometimes we'd have a tough time getting Lacey back in the house. We'd just yell "Let's Get Spot" and she'd coming running home.
Posted by: Depraved Brain at November 2, 2006 7:44 AMIt sounds like Danny has found the most perfect home, And, it sounds like you and Karol found the most perfect dog. Isn't that just so neat that he already knows you and misses you and loves you. It didn't take him long to figure out the routine did it? He sounds so sweet and so perfect. I am so glad you adopted him. When you think of all the dogs and cats at the pound that don't find a good home, I know it just makes you thankful that you found your little guy when you did. I'm so thankful too. It's great!! Ruth
Posted by: Ruth Berlien at November 2, 2006 3:16 PMHe is proving to be more of a blessing than I imagined. In my nightly prayers where I give thanks to God for my parents, the Vorlon Wife, the people that pray for me, I also give thanks for Danny Boy.
Posted by: Ted at November 2, 2006 3:23 PMWell, you did it again. You made me cry when you talked about how much Danny Boy has already added to your life. I'm really soo tough. Ha Ha
And, now I'm praying that your chemo treatment goes okay, and how about your blood counts, did they come back okay? I think you wondered if some of your tiredness was because of low counts, and I think it might be a part of it.
Well, anyway, now I need to go get my kleenex box and dry my tears. They are tears of thanks that Danny Boy was saved, and not only saved, but loved so much. Amen Amen Amen. God is Good. Ruth
Posted by: Ruth Berlien at November 3, 2006 4:22 PM