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Last night the surgeon came by and he tapped me like a maple tree in the springtime to drain the fluid from the left lung area. I quickly filled a 3-liter canister. That’s a little over 3 quarts. The second 3-liter canister is about two-thirds full.
Having the chest tube inserted was not the most enjoyable experience in the world. But it wasn’t too bad. As the fluid drained out, I started coughing a lot. The surgeon and his people seemed unconcerned so I guess it is normal.
After a while they left, but he left a prescription for pain. In the middle of the night I started to experience a lot of pain and they injected this stuff into my IV. They said it was very similar to morphine, except it stayed in the body longer.
I’ll tell you, that stuff really works. Very quickly all pain was gone and I could sleep. I found that one of the side-effects is it makes you very sleepy. I can’t say that I can remember anything like it before.
I’ve had a couple of more shots throughout today and I’ve done a lot of sleeping.
When they think they have as much fluid as they’re going to get, we’ll move on the next stage.
At the moment I’m feeling tired and weak, but I think I breathe more easily.
Now I’m off to bed.
Posted by The Vorlon at November 21, 2006 9:07 PMSo glad to hear that they have given you something for the pain that really works and helps you sleep. Hopefully when they drain all that fluid off the pain will go away.
Know that Danny Boy misses you and will be there to welcome you home when you return. He is a sweet little dog. You both are lucky to have found each other.
Love you, Mom & Dad
Posted by: Mother & Dad at November 21, 2006 9:51 PMGlad to hear that the fluid was drained and that you were able to get some sleep.
When do you expect to get out of the hospital?
Posted by: reborrell at November 21, 2006 11:37 PMHi Ted,
I hope you are able to come home soon. Danny misses you. When he came into the office yesterday. He took a walk into your office as if looking for you. I wish we could smuggle him in to see you. It is impossible because he is not the most quietest dog in situations. Although he has the adorable factor down pat. He was a good boy for me. Had no problems with him at all. When I saw him yesterday he was happy to see me. So he is going to be super excited to see you! He may not let you out of his sight! It stinks you are going to be in the hospital for Thanksgiving but we are very thankful that you are getting the medical help you need to feel better. Everyone in the office complex has been asking about you. They all wish you well. BTW you are going to have to get better so you can help me with my new Digital Camera!!!!! Could you believe it! I am finally catching up to this century! I will be looking forward in getting photography lesson from the Master! God Bless you. Wishing you get stronger each and everyday.
Posted by: at November 22, 2006 9:57 AMHi Ted,
Thank you very much for thinking of us. Even though you're probably not feeling too great, you used your energy to let us know how you're doing. I appreciate that sooo much. So happy to hear that you're getting pain relief and some good and restful sleep. I can really appreciate the gift of pain relief. You'll probably want to take some of that pain stuff home with you! Our prayers will continue, and even though you won't be home for Thanksgiving, my prayer of Thanksgiving will be that you're being helped. Thank goodness! And, I'm also so thankful to your wife for her strength and caring, and for precious little Danny Boy that will be anxiously awaiting your return. He needs more smooching. Wishing you and Karol a blessed Thanksgiving together, and hoping that you'll soon be back home - and feeling much better. God Bless you and your family. Sincerely, Ruth & Dave Berlien
Posted by: Ruth Berlien at November 22, 2006 12:13 PMTed
Sorry to hear you are in the Hospital but you are in the best place for your problem. I know about Thanksgiving Mike was there last year for Thanksgiving. Be good and listen to the Nurse's and your Doctor. Tell Karol she did good in taking you there against your will. A little stubborn aren't you!!! Just kidding!!!!
May God bless you and take care of you during your stay.
Posted by: Doris Bertolino at November 22, 2006 1:20 PMTed, Just letting you know we are thinking of you and Karol today and praying that you're feeling just a little bit better Ted. You may not be seeing God today, you may not even hear Him because you are tired and weak. But, that is when God is wrapping His arms around you and He will carry you through this. He knows you are tired and weak right now, and He asks nothing of you. He will care very gently for you in this time of need. The soft footsteps you hear in your room will be His as He quietly goes about caring for you in his most loving way. He will be with you every moment as you begin to heal. God is constant in our lives (as you know). God bless you and I pray you are beginning to regain some of your strength. Keeping you in our prayers always. Warmly, Ruth & Dave Berlien
Posted by: Ruth Berlien at November 23, 2006 9:59 AM