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I think it’s good for dogs that they are not smarter. The Vorlon wife says the Vorlon Dog looks really sad, when she has to leave him home alone.
And why shouldn’t he? He doesn’t know if someone is coming for him in an hour, two weeks or two years. Fortunately for them dogs don’t have the mental strength to look that far into the future.
The Vorlon wife related a story with Danny Boy last week. She was at the office and getting frustrated in tiring unsuccessfully to enter something into the computer. Danny kept wanting to jump up into her lap and barked at her. Finally she could take it no more and yelled, “DANNY! GO LAY DOWN!.”
She said the expression on his face just about broke her heart in two. This is how you make nasty dogs, nasty children and nasty spouses. We become frustrated and nasty and take out on this closest to us.
The question is, how do respond in a constructive way.
Here’s my suggestion – at least for dogs. Dogs have very short attention spans. I suspect, I wasn’t there, that Danny was briefly feeling unloved. Perhaps he felt that way because he sensed the Vorlon Wife’s mounting frustration.
He just needed some love. Perhaps if she just picked him up and hugged him for 10 to 15 seconds and then set back on the floor while saying, “There,there Danny. I love you. Now go along and let me get this done.” All the time smiling and speaking in a pleasant tone of voice. He would get confident from the scene and go relax. One may have to repeat the process severeal times.
If however, you have a very under confident dog, it may take several repetitions for this lesson to take effect.. Dogs should be confident enough to go off by themselves.
Punishment works poorly on dogs and even less well on people.
I guess you could say that is Vorlon Dog philosophy for today.
Posted by The Vorlon at December 2, 2006 7:38 PMSometimes you have to fight for to be a man or in Karol's case to be a women.If not she will not finish her work.Danny boy will lern like we all have in the hard way
That is not the worst any way.
Posted by: Mauricio at December 2, 2006 9:10 PMI would guess that the strange feelings you experienced was a result of the Dilaudid, or some other meds they have been giving you through the IV for sleep and pain relief. Those types of medicines can really mess with your mind. Oftentimes they are narcotics or have drug agents in them. I have had some VERY strange reactions to pain meds, and it can almost be a little frightening because it makes you feel slightly out of control. It really makes me wonder how people that are addicted to drugs (by choice) can live with the strange side effects. Maybe for them, that is part of the high. Yuck! The relief they offer feels pretty good, but the side effects can be strange, to say the least. Hope those odd feelings have subsided for you.
You know part of Danny Boy's change in nature could be that he can't figure out where you went. Things may change for him when you get back home and he begins to feel totally safe with you and Karol both there, like it was when he first came to live with you. He's had a lot of change in his short time in your home, and as you said, dogs don't have the ability to know what that all means to his future. I think he'll be okay when you do get back home and Karol doesn't have to leave him so often. He just needs some hugging and reassurance I think. And, that will be easier for both of you soon.
I sure hope you do get to go home Monday, IF you feel well enough. This weekend will give you a chance to do some self-diagnosing and see if you feel you're ready for the move. Praying for good things for you always. Ruth
Danny's just a little boy with quite a bit of energy. Also, he's very confused because Daddy isn't around.
Cheyanne is now 8 and sometimes she'll just crave attention from out of nowhere.
Danny Boy knows that Karol loves him.
Posted by: Reb Orrell at December 2, 2006 11:16 PMI think we all have times when we want some confirmation that someone loves us. It's one thing to "know" something, is another to feel it deep down in or bones. I have said that dogs have a 10 to 15 second attention span. Maybe sometimes they forget they are loved. Then they need some confirmation.
Posted by: Ted at December 3, 2006 1:57 PMI've come to realize when things aren't going well and I'm frustrated, my dog tries to shift my focus by wanting some attention. He might be thinking I'm frustrated with him after all what does he know about computers, all he knows is that I'm upset. Now I've learned (not him learning) to stop what I'm doing and make a fuss over him - it always, and I mean always helps to break the downward computer struggle I was experiencing. It's almost like taking a break and coming back to your work with a different mindset and things always shift.
Hope you make it home tomorrow!