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The Vorlon had a rough night Monday and into Tuesday. His breathing was labored and periods of non-breathing. Nora and I were awake until 3:00am worried about him not making it through the night. I finally told Nora to go up and I laid down with one ear listening to his breathing. He was better in the morning and rested well. Nora and I took a long nap this afternoon.
It looks like another night like last night but it has started earlier and the Vorlon parents are sitting with him.
I painted an awful picture of the building manager. She was actually trying to be helpful and did help sort through the files. It was her boss that was on her back. She just caught me at the wrong moment. Her young daughter helped shred stuff. She enjoyed doing that. She and her family helped with the big move on Saturday. She is also helping with phone calls to find someone to donate or sell the remaining office furniture and equipment.
I had several phone calls today from the Vorlon clients, friends, and our family doctor. All inquiring about Ted and me. They all offered their support and prayers. Thank you very much.
I’m going to get back down to the Vorlon now.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife
All of you are wath a person will need to go in its way to eternity.will like to have you near me at my end, you are doing a wonderful loving work.
Dear Karol, You certainly don't owe ANYONE an apology, however, I am very happy to hear that you're getting some help from the office manager and her daughter too. That's really sweet. You just need to remember that when you write these dear messages to us at the end of your extremely busy and stressful day, we love you no matter what. Aren't the nights hard when your loved one is so very ill? The nights just seem to last so much longer than the days. I don't know why that is, but it's true. I'm so glad you and Nora were able to get some rest this afternoon. It's so important for you. I know watching over their dearly loved son must be the most difficult task Ted's parents have ever had to face. There should be a law that children never pass before their parents. It's just too hard to deal with when the tables get turned on us. God's Blessings and He will Help you through the night. He promised us He would. From my caring heart to you and yours. I so pray that Ted has a more peaceful night. Ruth
Posted by: Ruth Berlien at February 20, 2007 10:20 PMDear Karol, Please remember to eat and get rest when you can. You need to stay strong. I am so glad that you have someone else with you to help with Ted and his parents. I will keep all of you in my prayers. Tomorrow is the start of Lent may the Lord be merciful. It is amazing how strong Ted is in body and spirit. Are Ted's parents still planning on going back on Thursday? How are they holding up this must be a nightmare for them. I hope hospice is helping all of you cope.
Posted by: Cheryl at February 20, 2007 10:37 PMPlease tell Ted and Phylis that they are in our constant thoughts and prayers and that we love them dearly.
Posted by: Julie Nelson at February 20, 2007 11:57 PMI found this on the net looking for just the right thing to say. Having been at deathbed vigils myself, I found this to be the best:
"Walking with loved ones as they approach death is a sacred time. Your hands, your touch, your care are instruments of God's presence. Your voice allows your loved one to trust so he or she can move into a new relationship with God. You are standing on holy ground.
Yet as the demands of caring for your loved one's physical and spiritual needs become overwhelming, it is easy to forget that you also are a spiritual being. The words “spiritual†or “spirituality†can seem vague. Simply put, spirituality is the heart's longing to feel connected to God, or a higher power. As spiritual beings, we desire God's presence, especially during difficult times. Your watch, or vigil, can seem like a journey in the wilderness where you hunger and thirst for the awareness of God's presence.
You may experience God's presence flooding over you as you sit with your loved one. On the other hand, you may feel as if God has abandoned you - what John of the Cross calls “the dark night of the soul.†You may be filled with anger that God is not hearing your prayers. Possibly you fear that the flicker of God's presence in your life is not enough to sustain you in the hours ahead. Regardless of what your relationship with God is, at this time you likely desire a deeper connection to God. You want to know God is here.
It is our hope that God's presence will offer a balm to your pain, and give you peace."
Love & Prayers,
Julie and Dick
How can Mom or I ever thank every one for your prayers and your comforting postings on Ted's blog.
Also for the many, many cards from the Parishoners at our church in Lake Odessa Mich.
Words are not adequet to to describe our
appreciation for your support,t in our hour of need.
May God Bless each and all.
Working on Ted's computer the posting from Mom and I signed Karol. A computer glitch.
Karol - words can not express our feelings. Again, whatever we can do to take some of the burden off of you.
Phyllis and Len
Posted by: Phyllis E at February 21, 2007 10:19 AM