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Ted had a beautiful service. I have printed the program below.
First Baptist Church
1155 E Landis Avenue
Vineland, New Jersey
The Funeral of Ted Armstrong
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Opening Words Pastor Bennett
Hynm No. 54 “Great is Thy Faithfulness”
Invocation Pastor Bennett
Choir “Softly and Tenderly”
Old Testament Reading – Comments Rev. Dr. Donchez
Last Chapter Job & 23rd Psalm
Solo Beyond the Sunset Carolyn Bates
New Testament Readings – Comments Pastor Bennett
2 Timothy 4:7 (King James Version)
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
Choir “It is Well With Soul”
Rich Catando
Rose Williams
Donald Ross
Eric Guggleberger
Benediction Pastor Bennett
Trumpet Solo “Amazing Grace” Ray Bates
(as people leave the Sanctuary)
Procession to cemetery in Broomall PA. where we were joined by family and friends from Pennsylvania.
Bagpiper, Jim Herrington, played “Amazing Grace and other hymns.
Pastor Bennett Gave the committal
Ned Swift read an email letter to Karol
It is with great sadness that I regret that I will be out of town speaking and will be unable to be there for the services.
You and Ted both have always been such a support to me and to my ministry. You both set such a fine Christian example of kindness and hospitality by always including me in your circle of friendship.
Acts 11:24 Luke writes these words concerning Barnabas: "He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And a great many people were brought to the Lord."
As I thought about what I would say if I were able to be there for the service, this scripture came to mind as a very appropriate one. Ted like Barnabas was full of the Holy Spirit and Faith, an encouragement to many including myself. Ted also rejoiced in the work of the Lord, always glad to see people in the church. Ted is a testimony to what God can do through those who trust him. A good man is the man with a strong sense of pride and strength of the church and a blessing to the community.
We will also grieve because of the loss of his dedicated "hands" from his work in the ministry no matter what church he belonged to. If Ted told you he was going to do something you could depend on it being done and done well, Ted defined integrity.
Pastor Dawn Reed
Media Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Donchez read from Rev.
Revelation 21
The New Jerusalem
1Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
Benediction Pastor Bennett
Flowers were placed on the casket and we went to the Country Squire for lunch.
Vorlon News from the Vorlon Wife
The service was beautiful. I have lost not only a cousin, but a dear friend. Ted and I emailed each other nearly every day for the last eight years.
Mom, Nora, and I thought both Pastors did a wonderful job.
Ted's gentleness came through when everyone spoke.
Ted's tagline - Failure Is Not An Option should be remembered by all. Ted did not fail. He fought the good fight for the last 16 months.
Please continue his blog. You will find it very helpful for you and for the rest of us. Ted had no idea how many people visited his blog.
Bob and I have made postings on the Orrell Family Association blog at http://www.OrrellFamily.com/blog.
Love to you and everyone,
Mom, Reb, and Nora Orrell
Posted by: Reb Orrell at February 25, 2007 1:42 AMKarol,
I so much wanted to speak on Ted's behalf yesterday - only, for once, I couldn't. If I had, I would have said this:
I have only known Ted and Karol for the past 10 years. The thing that has always stood out to me about Ted is this: He is a man of strong conviction and total integrity. Ted was never one to mince words. He spoke what he believed, whether you wanted to hear it or not. That is not always easy to take, but Ted also spoke with love and concern. If he told you something negative, he meant it - but he would also be the first person to walk beside you to change it, and the first person to forgive and forget. That is a unique quality in someone today. In this world of critism without care and the easy way we dispose of each other, Ted's perspective was not only Godly, it is one that is sorely needed.
I am sad to say goodbye to my friend, but I have the bounty of his wisdom to keep with me for a lifetime.
Karol - I hope that we will always be in touch, and that you know how much both of you were loved and admired in Building 3.
Posted by: Ann at February 25, 2007 9:17 AMHi Karol, Thank you for posting Ted's service. I thought about you yesterday, and prayed for your peace. I know it was a heart-breaking day for you and Ted's family.Ted played a very positive role in my life. Not only was he a wonderful teacher, but he fed positive and loving thoughts. I will never forget his words, " to not worry.. all is well" He was aware of some problems surrounding me at work, and always reminded me to stay calm, and confident. I am so grateful to have known such a wonderful man. I wish you well Karol, and hope that you continue to let us know how you are doing. I would love to stay in touch with you. May God Bless You, and keep you well and strong. Gloria
Posted by: Gloria Kauffman at February 25, 2007 9:39 AMDear Karol,
Thank you so much for sharing Ted's beautiful service with those of us that weren't able to physically be with you. We were there in spirit, and with heavy hearts because we all lost such a wonderful friend. I love all the hymns you chose for Ted's service. And the solos of "Amazing Grace" surely touched the souls of many. It is one of my favorite old hymns. I could almost hear them as you were describing when they were played, and with the different instruments.
I saw this lovely memorial and wanted to share it with you.
The tide recedes but leaves behind bright seashells on the sand,
The sun goes down, but gentle warmth still lingers on the land.
The music stops, and yet it echoes on in sweet refrains...
For every joy that passes, something beautiful remains.
We shall forever miss Ted and his homespun joy and humor and his great intelligence. And, I thank you again very much for making his passing so much more gentle for all of us who became his champions and friends, and yet weren't able to actually share his service which is the small beginning of closure for those left behind. You have helped me greatly, and everything you have done has taken the greatest strength and courage, and you've done it with such class and caring.
You will always be remembered for your loving care for Ted. You helped him pass gently from his mortal life to his eternal life. I shall always remember you saying, when you cried, he also shed tears even in his weakened state. He wanted so much to live on and share so much more with you and continue soaking up new ideas and information like a sponge. Our faith sustains us. Wishing you strength to begin your journey of healing. With love and caring, Ruth
Posted by: Ruth Berlien at February 25, 2007 4:25 PMKarol This morning as I went to church I was thinking about you and Ted. What do you know - our first hymn was Great Is His Faithfulness! There are no coincidences.
Love, Phyllis East
Posted by: at February 25, 2007 6:02 PM