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Danny Boy woke me up at 6:00 and we went for his morning walk down State Street. It was very cold, the ground was frozen hard. When we got home, we went back to bed because it’s Saturday and there’s no school today!
We got up at 8:00 and I went to the Acme for some apples to make my Waldorf Salad to take to my grand nephew, Joey’s, birthday party. I was greeted in the Market by Sonia, Donald and Jonathan. Sonia worked for us and Donald spoke at Ted’s Service. All the speakers told us of a different aspect of Ted. He was so much to so many people.
When I got home, I took Danny out again for his second walk to do his business. We went down State Street again. After the walk, I had some breakfast and made the Waldorf Salad. I brought Blue Velvet around and loaded it up. I had to pack Danny’s things and his food along with the salad. This was his first trip to someone else’s house. I was a little concerned as there would be a lot of people there with children and Sassy the dog. I put Danny’s mussel on because he has bitten a few people and I didn’t want to take a chance especially with children.
Danny was well behaved. He did not bark and he greeted everyone wagging his tale. I did warn people that he might bite so those who did not know him stayed away. After a while, I took off his muzzle but kept him on my lap or on the leash. Danny and Sassy sniffed each other and got along fairly well. They later got into a little scrap. I think Sassy was declaring her territory. She nipped at Danny. I think she surprised him as he didn’t nip her back.
Rick’s yard is fenced in so I let Danny to run in the yard. There was quite a bit of snow so he didn’t roam too far. He went over by the fence and did his business then came back in. I took him downstairs to the rec room and he jumped up in Joanne’s lap. (Rick’s mother-in-law) She was watching a new Thomas Video with Joey.
The birthday boy blew out all his candles in one breath and decalred a good job. He had a nascar cake. He took the car off the cake and his grandfather washed it off. He then ran the car through the icing on his piece of cake and said, "PopPop, I have bad news."
Danny drank some water but did not eat his food. He had a tiny bit of cheese and a crumb of cake. He also had a little piece of Beggin Strips.
We left about 6:30 and Danny started crying on the way home. I pulled over into a Veterinarian’s parking lot and let him out to go. When we arrived home, he was anxious to get into the house so I took him in before unloading the car. He made a bee line for the door. He was happy to be home. He ran right to the spot where his blankey and toy bone are kept but they were still in the car. He played with “Bonnie” a stuffed dog that a client gave Ted in the hospital. Danny ate some of his food and by the time I put the car in the garage and brought in the stuff, Danny had gone to bed. It was a long day for him. He was a good boy and Ted would have been proud of him. He was concerned about Danny’s social skills. I think he is getting used to people as so many were coming in and out during Ted’s illness and after his passing.
I don’t know if Danny will be going out again tonight or if he will be sleeping until morning. I hope he doesn’t wake me up at 4:00 am.
News from the Vorlon wife.
Just shows how much Danny Boy loves his new diggs.
You can only imagine his life on the street where
he may have got the broom side of his head and chased away. Give him a big Hug for us.
It sounds like Mommy and Danny Boy had a full day. Glad to hear that Danny handled the trip well.
Posted by: Reb Orrell at March 18, 2007 8:14 AMHi Karol and Danny Boy,
You had a great Saturday. I imagine it does feel very nice to see friends when you're out and chat with them about Ted because it just once again confirms those who really knew Ted and loved and appreciated him. He was surrounded with love that's for sure. And, obviously the love is continuing for you, which is so nice. I think being able to talk with people that truly loved Ted helps you to remember him without feeling so sad. I have found that most of the time people have stories they would like to share, and, you get a chance to talk about him without crying quite so much. Does it help you to be able to recall the memories that others have to share yet Karol? I found that it has helped me in similar situations. A lot of times, people seem to feel if they mention the name of your loved one, it will make you sad, and of course, sometimes, it does. But, it also validates his life so much and you actually enjoy hearing about what a significant man he was to so many different people. And, Ted Armstrong definitely was a significant friend to so many.
WOW! Danny Boy did really well with all the people at the party. You're right, Ted would be so proud of how well he's doing around different groups of people - he's learning to be a real goodwill ambassador and he sure is letting you know how much he loves you and having his nice warm loving home to come home too. You two are very good pals.
I'm so hoping your Sunday went well for you. You are always in my thoughts and prayers on Sunday because I know that is a tough day for you. Always keeping you close in heart, Ruth
Posted by: Ruth Berlien at March 18, 2007 7:42 PM