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The day always starts with Danny waking up and ready for his walk. We went out around 6:30 this morning. After his walk, I had some coffee and gave Danny his ear drops. I give him his pieces of steak as a treat. He hates having his ears done.
I had a dentist appointment at 8:30. The Dentist and his staff were deeply saddened by Ted’s loss. They had sent their sympathy card earlier but expressed their condolences today. They had known Ted for 25 years. We had been going there since we came to Vineland.
When I came home, I had some more coffee and took in the mail. I took Danny for another walk. I then got ready for my Red Hat Luncheon. It was at an Irish Pub. They did an Irish theme for March even though St Patti’s day was last week. It was a very nice luncheon. Sharon had taken over my duties while Ted was ill. She did a fabulous job and I am grateful to her.
Although, it is good being out with people, it is hard to come home to an empty house. Danny is here and cute as he is, he can’t hold a conversation. I was feeling kind of down. I returned some phone calls and left messages. Toastmasters were meeting tonight but I did not feel like going. I got a call from my cleaning lady and she cannot come tomorrow. Her father had passed away. I felt sad as I felt her pain. I guess I am extra sensitive to it. I debated whether to go to bible study and decided to go. They were happy to see me and they continue to hold me in there prayers.
I gave Danny a hair cut. I haven’t had him groomed for awhile and his fur was 4 inches long. I still have to even him up a little. He doesn’t sit still very long and he wouldn’t let me get his right leg. I want to give him a bath so I wanted to get rid of the excess fur. He had been getting too hot and was panting a lot. I hope he doesn’t get too cold, especially during his night time walk. Maybe he’ll snuggle up to me. He usually sleeps on Ted’s side of the bed and doesn’t come over to me until morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Dear Karol,
You are truly something else my dear. I mean - really - do you know how many of us would have given in to our grief and pain today?? Not you. You move through the pain and continue on your journey. Going to your Grief Support group, your Red Hat luncheon, making the supreme effort to go to your Bible Study group getting your business papers taken care, working with Danny Boy and showering him with love. What you probably don't see right now is what you're giving to all of the people you're interacting with durng your meetings, etc, and most definitely all of us too. You are teaching us to be stronger and to know that if we are indeed faced with the same circumstances, we will only need to re-read your blog entries to regain our strength and try to move forward as you do. Karol, I'm as serious as I've ever been about anything. I really wonder how many of us (your faithful Blog readers) would be able to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and start all over again - and this is what you've been doing everyday. I am so very very proud of you Karol. God Bless You for your strength and endurance when I'm sure it would be much easier to give in. You are on the hardest journey of your life, and when you are able to look back someday, you will begin to recognize the amazing things you're doing in the face of such sadness in your heart.
I think I can probably speak for those of us who love and treasure you through this blog, Karol, you are an amazing woman, and can't you just feel the love and strength Ted is sending you to help you through this time in your life. He's with you for sure and he knows you will come through this because he knew what a fine fine woman you are. God knew this too or I don't think He would have handed either of you the mighty challenge He did. Please feel my admiration and pride in you Karol. And, my heart nearly breaks when you're missing Ted so much. I can only pray for a better tomorrow.
I pray that the Lord will be merciful to you and soon offer you some easier days to bear. My heartfelt prayers are being sent to the Heavens each day and praying that you can feel the sun begin to shine on you. Most sincerely, Ruth
Posted by: Ruth Berlien at March 21, 2007 10:14 PMKarol - I am glad to you were involved in so many activities - Red Hat, Bible Study, HRA, etc. etc. What a blessing that you have such a large support network now. Scott told me he got your registration for the trip. GREAT!
Terri reminded me that we need to make arrangements with you and Marge to go out for dinner one night.