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I took Danny out around 6:30. It was misty but not raining. I tried sending my tax again but it was rejected. I’ll have to print it out and mail it. As I was eating my breakfast, Danny stuck his nose in the door so I opened it. It was pouring down rain. He looked out and turned around. He changed his mind about going out.
I grabbed the paperwork I needed to copy and went to the office complex where the building manager let me use the copy machine. She gave me my mail and I had a couple checks. I stopped at the dollar store to pick up a few things and Ted’s cell phone rang. It was Dottie. She will go to the Dinner Theatre where my cousin Scott will be singing in May.
When I got back, I took Danny for his noontime walk and put his new flea killer medicine on him. He had been scratching. He may have dry skin. It was time for lunch and it was a good day for soup. I tried giving Danny some of the dog food I bought yesterday. He turned his nose up at it. He came back three times but would not eat it.
I worked on tying my general ledger into my subsidiary ledgers. Of course, they were off so I printed some more reports and was able to tie them together. I have it all in a box and ready to take to the accountant.
I drove Dasher 1 today. I went to the post office to drop some mail off. I walked Danny and then changed my clothes to go to Toastmasters. My friend Phyllis went with me. I am glad she for tow reasons. One is because the road to Ocean City is very dark and winding. It was light going there but coming home was dark. It was good to see the Toastmasters. It has been a long time since I’d been to a meeting. Ted wasn’t well enough to go. I was a little emotional and that’s the second reason I’m glad Phyllis could go with me. It was hard to be there and not have Ted there. He was so much a part of Toastmasters. He had prepared a workshop for evaluations and the group was following his guidelines. It was as if a part of him was there in the room.
I walked Danny Boy when I got home. I had to wash his feet because they were muddy. He really fought me when I had to clean his ears. I had taken his halter off and he knew it would be harder for me to get a grip on him. I felt like we were wrestling. I finally got the job done but I had forgotten his treat. I gave him a lot of praise and rubbed his belly. He loves that.
News from the Vorlon Wife
I was glad to attend with you last night. Not only that, you taught me a new route to OC!!
Posted by: Phyllis E at April 5, 2007 9:30 AMDear Karol,
I'm so glad that Phyllis went with you to the Toastmaster's meeting. When women have to travel after dark, I think it's always a good idea to travel in pairs. And, I try to understand how difficult it must be for you to continue on with meetings, etc that you and Ted always did together, and of course, I can't really know your pain. What I can see clearly is how strong and brave you are to go through it. That takes tremendous courage. And, I admire you for making your way through so many challenges. It takes a lot of heart.
Danny Boy must trust and love you so much. If he didn't, some of the stuff you have to do to his ears, he'd probably take a little bite out of your finger. I'm so glad he has you to take care of him. He never had it so good!!! He seems to really let you know what he likes and dislikes. He wouldn't eat the new dog food, and he sure wasn't going to go out in that nasty rain. He's a little character that makes me laugh when you tell about some of his antics. You're good buddies for sure.
Ted's parents forwarded the music of your cousin singing. How very very beautiful his voice is. I am truly enjoying listening to him. And, I also LOVED the duet with his precious daughter. That will be a keepsake for both of them.
Keep on keeping on Karol. Everyday is a small step forward in your painful journey of grief and sorrow. May you feel a little stronger today than yesterday. May God Bless You and provide your needed strength each day. Most sincerely, Ruth
Posted by: Ruth Berlien at April 5, 2007 10:24 AM