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Danny and I were up at 6:15 and out for our walk. Had some coffee and took him out again at 8:00. I got ready for church and sang in the choir. I wore my yellow pantsuit with my yellow Easter Bonnet. After greeting everyone at church, I picked out my Easter Lilies from the alter. I got 3. Two were in memory of Ted and my parents and one was in honor of Ted's parents.
I made my Waldorf Salad, got Danny ready and left for PA. My brother Rick and his wife, Sylvia had the family dinner. Danny was doing fine. Rick and Sylvia have a fenced in yard so Danny could go outside free of the leash. He liked exploring around. When my niece Cheryl got there, Danny sniffed her and then growled and tried to bite her. He has met Cheryl before and was good with her. Cheryl thought it was because she had been petting her male dog before she came. I had to put Danny's muzzle on. My other niece, Tina came with her mother and father in-law. Gail said she used to raise poodles, she felt sorry for him with the muzzle on and when she went to pet Danny but he barked and growled. I said, "That's why I have the muzzle on".
When my nephew, Rick came, he and his son went across the street where the schoolyard is. Joey is 4 years old and has a child size Quad. He drove it around the schoolyard. Danny wanted to run after him so I ran with him chasing after Joey. I took some photos and will try to get them up on the blog this week.
Rick's wife came with their dog Sassy and both dogs barked at each other. We kept them separate both were unhappy.
I started feeling very tired so I got my things and Danny ready to go home. We exchanged Easter flowers and gifts and I was on my way. I forgot my dish I brought the Waldorf in so I have to get it later.
Danny started whining and woofing at me on the expressway so I had to pull over and let him out on the leash so he could relieve himself. A little further down the road he started whining again. I guess I didn't give him enough time. I was almost at the exit so he would have to wait. I was going past my storage locker so I stopped in there to pick up a toner for my printer. I walked Danny around there but he did not go. I guess no other dogs had been there marking their territory. Danny always has to sniff out the right spot.
I got home, changed into my jammies, and put my sweat suit over it. I called Sylvia to let her know I got home OK. Then I took Danny out for a walk. He did his business and marked his territory. He thinks the whole neighborhood is his territory.
When we got back, he ate his dinner and I did his ears. I called the Vorlon Parents and then asked Danny if he wanted to go up to bed. He was up and on his way up the steps with me behind him.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Hi Karol, I may be getting older but I still have fast reflexes. Lol - I should have known better than to put my hand in front of Danny till he came to me first. He was in unfamiliar territory and probably thought he was protecting you, or he smelled Sammy my black lab.
I'm with you on the allergies, my zyrtec is just finally starting to work. My eyes have been so bad in the morning I can't even put makeup on till after 10 am. (pretty scary sight for my co-workers!)
Joey is a total nut on the quad. Not sure if you saw but he went off the curb later on and we thought he ran into a brand new car parked on the street, he didn't he just tipped over on the curb. I told Michelle I need to get him a full face helmet for protection. He may need it!!!
Well looks like we wont be getting the boat out anytime soon, the weather is horrible, rain, rain and cold. I guess it really it April showers.
Well good luck with the job hunt. As far as taxes go, for real estate you would be better off in Maryland or Delaware than PA, but it depends on where you want to work, I have a 25 mile commute to work, not alot of jobs in my area/field unless I moved to Baltimore or D.C. (Never happen!!!!)
I know where my mom lives you can pretty much find a job within a 15 mile area. Just have higher taxes (ugh)
I can't believe they took that premium out. I would have demanded they reverse the transaction immediately. That is crazy. They are taking advantage for sure. I don't have patience for that stuff. What kind of way is that to do business? UGH. It's just not fair.
Well talk to you soon, the best time to call Ed about computer stuff is after 2pm. He's been getting tests back, his sugar and cholesterol were elevated and liver function test was out of wack again so not sure what his doctor will say when he see's him next week.