May 18, 2007

Friday, May 18, 2007

I took Danny to Erica’s again today. I had lunch at the office. They ought pizza and had a Safety Meeting for all the employees. I only took a half hour for lunch so I left at 4:30. I felt wiped out all day.

I didn’t sleep well last night. I woke up every two hours. Needless to say, I didn’t cut the hedge or anything else.

Yesterday, there was a power failure here at the house and I thought I’d have problems with the computers and the burglar alarm. They were fine; however, the filter on the fish tank went. Fortunately, I had the old one. It works but is smaller than the one I had been using. I’ll have to go to the pet store and get a new one.

It is really hard at work. They play the radio with Oldies songs. Some songs remind me of Ted and big tears swell up in my eyes. Sometime I feel as though I can’t bear it. It is especially hard when I don’t have much to do. I read some of Ted’s book today. He had ordered a book about interviews of people with different jobs. It is interesting and each person has a short story about there job. I don’t know why he ordered it. It is not the usual kind of book he would read. He must have read a review about it. Perhaps he wanted to see what other people thought of their jobs.

I have a large selection of video flowers and when I figure out how to post them onto the web, I’ll do it. I picked the tulips from the last batch I took.

Time to do Danny’s ears and get some sleep.

News from the Vorlon Wife.

Posted by The Vorlon at May 18, 2007 8:44 PM

Hi Karol,

Music is very powerful. I have found that music can heighten my happiness if things are going well in my life. On the other hand, it also has the ability to cause a very emtional tumult in my life when I am feeling sad or have recently had to endure something painful. Especially the oldies. They actually are similar to ballads in that they often tell a story that can be easily applied to a particular happy or sad situation in our lives. I can very easily understand your pain in hearing the oldies that we relate to.

When I was forced to get a divorce in the 70's, I so well remember how many times I curled up in a chair and cried and cried as I listened to the music known as the "oldies". Some of them seemed to be written just for me it seemed. I was in a vulnerable state at that time and my pain was "hot".

On the other hand, as my life improved greatly, I began to feel my spirits soar when I listened to those great great songs. I used to love to dance and that's the best music in the world to dance to (in my humble opinion). I mention all of this because of the emotions I felt both in sadness and in happier times.

I'm glad Danny Boy does so well at the daycare. That makes going to work for you so much easier. I just really love the pictures you post with him doing fun things. As I mentioned, I had only seen head shots at first, which I adored too, but I love seeing him in action. He's a heart-warming little guy that I have fallen in love with through your postings. Thanks for sharing him with me.

We are again experiencing some rather chilly nights. This spring in Michigan, and I think other locations as well, has been the strangest I have ever experienced. My husband planted flowers last week when the weather was so gorgeous, and would you believe he is having to cover them at night to be sure they don't get frostbitten. Even in Michigan, this is weird that we would be talking frost at night. I'm beginning to believe that global warming is affecting weather patterns all over the country.

Karol, I so hope your weekend is a time of renewal for you and that you can rejoice in the message from your minister, and listen to each word in the music on Sunday morning. As I mentioned, music has the power to lift your spirits and remind you how closely your Lord Jesus is walking with you. Hymns also tell a beautiful story of God's love for us Enjoy friendships, walk with your good pal Danny Boy and talk to neighbors on your route, observe other people's yards and gardens and then come home and glory in your gorgeous yard that you work so hard at maintaining.

Wishing you a good day everyday. Sincerely, Ruth

Posted by: Ruth at May 19, 2007 12:24 PM