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I slept until 6:30 this morning and Danny woke up. I took him out and thought I’d go back to bed as he did. I laid on the sofa and vegetated for awhile and decided to have my coffee. I went through the Sunday paper and got my breakfast. Danny came down for his and for another walk.
By this time, I had to hurry to get ready for church. I sang in the choir. We had a guest minister who I believe is a candidate for the church pastor. His sermon went on for 45 minutes and I thought I was going to fall asleep. Ted always felt if the minister couldn’t make his point in 15 minutes, he would loose his audience.
After church, I went out to lunch with some ladies friends. We went to the Green Olive. Phyllis E. may know of it. It is a very nice Italian place just outside of Bridgeton. It took us a while to get there as the bridge at Rainbow Lake is out and we had to find another route to get there. The bridge has been out since the storm several weeks ago.
When I got home, I felt beat from our late night last night. I laid down on the sofa again but got back up to plant my flowers. I planted a flat of lavender impatiens around the rhododendron and will have to get another flat to go around the other rhododendron. I planted pink and white impatiens around the little maple tree on the east side. I planted two pinks and then a white. That is the pattern I chose for this year. I’ll have to buy more of them too as I have to plant the border of the back yard and the west side.
I put the car away and took Danny out again. I was still full from lunch so I had some antelope and cottage cheese for supper. I called the Vorlon niece, as I missed her graduation celebration yesterday. She lives in Michigan and I just started this new job and didn’t feel up to traveling yet. She will be starting a new job in Cincinnati and will be going off on her own. My cousin lives in Cincinnati so I put them in touch with each other. My cousin will show the Vorlon niece around Cincinnati.
I then called the Vorlon Parents to catch up on things. I took Danny out, did his ears and he is in bed. I will be joining him soon. Tomorrow will be a difficult day as it would have been our 36th anniversary.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Karol, Will be thinking about you tomorrow. I know it will be a hard day. Try to remember all the good times you had with Ted and all the trips you took. Hopefully you will be busy at work and the day will go quickly. Treat yourself to a nice dinner. Even if you bring it home and eat it. Ted will be with you in spirit. I feel sure he choose Danny to make sure you weren't alone. Ted knew it would be hard to continue on alone and he didn't want to leave you. Pull out your wedding pictures and remember how happy you were 36 years ago. I will be crying for you sorry I'm not up there to take you out. But, know I am thinking about you and praying that God give you strength to continue and continue to put people in your life to help you through this year. One of the hardest of your life. God Bless and take care of yourself. Affectionately, Cheryl
Posted by: Cheryl at May 20, 2007 11:23 PMThanks, Cheryl,
Ted really enjoyed our trip to visit you and Owen. He liked goin g on the Skyline Drive and has the slide show on the blog. It was one of our last trips together.
Many thanks to you, and all my family and friends for the help you have given to me. You were there for me when I really needed you.
Posted by: Karol at May 21, 2007 6:27 AMOkay - what did I do yesterday wrong? Looks like I was stuttering. I did not think it was accepting my remarks!
Yup, the Green Olive is good. Go before five. They have an special menu that is really good and inexpensive.
I, too, will be thinking of you today.
Posted by: Phyllis E at May 21, 2007 8:36 AMThe blog was a little confused the last two day with the comments. It looked like it wasn't accepting comments, then double posted.
I went in yesterday and had the blog software rebuild the blog. Hopefully, it will correct the problem.
Posted by: Reb Orrell at May 21, 2007 8:43 AMDear Karol, I'm so sorry. You will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless You. In friendship, Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at May 21, 2007 10:38 AM