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After Church, I went out with some church friends. We went to the Big Apple. No, not NYC. It is the name of a local restaurant. There were 12 of us so it took awhile to get everyone served. I got the seafood combo and it was good. I brought some home for tomorrow's dinner. They had snow peas with were good although June didn't like them as they were crunchy. I like crunchy. Her baked potato was hard and so were all the baked potatoes. I had French fries, which were cold and so were everyone else's who got fries. I didn't get home until 3:00 so that shot most of the day. I then had to take Danny out to do his business.
I planted the flowers in my planters and fixed the hose. At least I hope I fixed the hose. I cut the broken end off and put a new one on. It fit a little loose so I put some goop on it and put on the clamp. The clamp was loose so I found another one that I could tighten up real good. I hope it holds up under the water pressure. I will let it dry overnight and find out tomorrow if my repair was successful.
I did some laundry but didn't get my molding up. I want to drill some pilot holes in it before I nail it. I don't want the wood to split. I don't know if I had mentioned the repair I did to the arm of my sofa. It has wicker arms and one had been broken for years. We glued it once but some one lifted it by the arm and it came unglued. I gooped it and put some braces on it. I drilled the holes and then screwed the braces on each side. The pillow hides the brace on the inside and I can't see the brace on the other side unless I bend down and look for it.
I didn't get the hedge trimmed either. I should have done that today as it was cool. It doesn't need much. Just some sprigs sticking up here and there but if I wait too long, it will get out of shape and take a long time to cut.
Danny has been walked and his ears done. His medicine is used up so I am using a vinegar solution I read about on the net for dog's ear infection. At least it doesn't smell as bad as the stuff the vet sold me. I don't understand why they perfume dog medication. Dog's noses are more sensitive then mine so strong fragrances must be bothersome to them.
Ted wrote a lot about politics but I am tired of it. It will be getting worse now that the presidential election will be coming up. As far as the war in Iraq, whether we are in favor of it or against it, we have no choice. We're there and we have to stay there until the job is done.
I talked to my brother this morning. He had a cold and couldn't get rid of the cough. He went to the doctor and he has summer bronchitis. Evidently, it's going around. I had a head cold but it cleared up. I always seem to have problems with allergies and sinus but it’s that time of year. The privet hedges are blooming and they really make me sick. Danny ran under a neighbor's bush to mark his territory and I got a good whiff of the privet hedge flowers. Yuck!
I guess I will join Danny in bed.
News from the Vorlon Wife.