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I placed a couple orders today and I was kind of on my own. Ginny went home at 11:30. She had some personal business to take care of. I took the business checkbook with me and balanced it. I typed up the minutes for the Women’s Service Circle for the meeting tonight.
I started the sprinkler at lunchtime. It had rained but not even a quarter of an inch. When I got home, I moved the sprinkler around to the other side.
I walked Danny and got some dinner for both of us. Then I went to the Women’s Service Circle meeting. We had our business meeting and devotions and then adjourned for dessert. Beth made a delicious chocolate cake and served vanilla fudge ice cream.
When I got home, I walked Danny again and rolled up the hose. It had rained again and there may be another shower. I put my planters out so they could get some rain water. If it doesn’t rain, I’ll water them tomorrow. I’ll have to water my house plants, too.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Hi Karol,
The flower posting is gorgeous - as always.
Did you really dare to go home from your meeting with chocolate cake and fudge ice cream on your breath? Poor Danny Boy probably went to bed and pouted a little about that. He's seems just about smart enough to do something like that.
Sounds like work is getting slightly easier. But, still too much time on your hands. It does, however, give you time to get some of your personal paperwork done. There are several perks with the job, but, I truly do understand your boredom at times.
I've been hoping your back is continuing to feel better after your chiropractic treatment. With all the physical work you do, a real treat to yourself would be to go get a massage once in awhile. I, personally, have never had one, but, I have a friend who says she just couldn't live without it. A little dramatic maybe, but, that is how she describes the luxury of it.
Sounds like it's becoming a little dry in your area - we certainly could use a little rain too. I guess we should be careful what we wish for because weather wishes sometimes turn into another whole set of weather concerns. In our area, we worry about tornadoes during this season. Once again, I probably better leave the weather situation to someone far greater than me.
I always include you and Danny Boy in my prayers and ask that you be watched over in a most loving way. Wishing you a good day tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at June 13, 2007 9:24 PM