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Danny is such a sweet little dog. He is lying on my lap. He walked and ate his dinner and had a few tidbits of my beef and Klondike Bar.
I talked to Erica today. She runs the Indian Trail with the kennel where I take Danny for Day Care. I will be going to Avalon on the weekend. My brother’s friend rents a house there every summer. The lease does not allow pets so Danny has to stay at the kennel. Erica puts the dogs in a kennel cage at night and if it’s hot she turns on the air conditioner. He likes it there and he is used to going there so I think he will be OK. I will worry about him missing his mommy.
I made a mistake on an order today. The customer order 6 pallets boxes and I used a previous invoice to get the correct item number and price. I copied the information and put 4 pallets as was on the previous invoice. The truck went out with 4 before the mistake was found. I was proud that I filled the order all by myself. What a bummer. I felt like an idiot.
I took some more photos tonight. My Easter lily is starting to bloom. I took a photo but there will be more blooming in the next couple days. I also took some photos of an azalea that is just now blooming. It is well shaded so maybe that is why the late bloom. I will continue to post Ted’s Ocean City Photos. Perhaps I can get some of my own in Avalon. Avalon is two islands south of Ocean City. Ted took a lot of time taking his photos. I don’t have the patience to do it. I just hurry up and snap the photo. I guess it shows. Maybe I’ll be able to relax for a couple days and take the time to get some good photos. I still have to take the time and learn the software to crop and enhance them.
I wish I could take the week off but I don’t get paid unless I work. I don’t get any vacation.
I believe Danny wants to go out again. Right now he is playing with his toy. He takes it to the door and drops it just before he goes out. He picks it up when he comes back in. He is cute when he plays with his toy. It is a plush, stuffed purple bone. He also has a plush beanie dog named Bonnie. He knows the difference between the words toy and Bonnie.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Hi Karol,
I'm so happy that you're getting away for a couple of days. Sounds wonderful for you and I wish you a GRAND time. Danny Boy will be okay. He seems so calm now that he's been with you awhile. It seemed like when he first came, he was ready to take on most anyone. But, it sure is a good lesson for most of us that kindness, consistency and lots of loving care makes better pets. As a matter of fact, I think we could say the same rule applies to raising children and treating each other kindly. Danny Boy is proof-positive of this theory. You're a wonderful wonderful mommy for him and of course, he'll miss you, but I also think because you offer him consistency and so much love everyday, he'll do fine with Erica and his buddies at the daycare.
I think each one of us can relate to how you felt when you realized you'd make a mistake on the order. I remember sending a notice to hundreds of people associated with the college I worked for - I had forgotten to change the day of the meeting from the last year to the current year. And, of course, it just had to be my boss who noticed the error. And, I sure felt like an idiot too. So, I had to make the correction and issue new letters to all those hundreds of people who had probably already entered the meeting date in their appointment books. But, it could all be worked out and your order can be fixed easily enough too. Plus, you learned something from it on filling future orders. Small stuff in the big picture of life. All is well.
Danny Boy is a smart little guy that's for sure. It's pretty neat that he's got his own special way of letting you know what he needs. I'm so glad you have each other. Ted knew what he was doing when he wanted to get a dog at the time he did. He just knew somehow that Danny really needed a good home and he knew you would need Danny Boy too. It has worked out better than either you or Ted could have ever imagined.
Have a good day Karol. And, that goes for you too Danny Boy. Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at June 19, 2007 8:24 AM