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I awoke around 5am and looked out over the dock and thought big fat gulls were sitting on the poles of the dock. I thought I’d get a photo of them. I went out onto the balcony and saw they were plastic points that were placed on top of the poles to keep the gulls off them. I looked over toward the east and saw the sun was about to come up so I put on my jeans and my jacket and went out to east side. Don woke up and asked what time it was. He was going to go with me but when he heard it was 5:15 he went back to bed. I went over to the marina across the street and waited for the sun to rise. I got several shots and wasn’t shore if I’d see the sun come up as there were clouds. I did finally see the big red ball come up between some buildings. It was beautiful. I’ll post the photos later.
I came back and made some coffee and I guess I woke some of the others up with the smell of fresh coffee. Don and I went for a walk on the beach. We saw a school of dolphins heading north along the coast. There were people watching them. We walked up to the inlet and climbed up on the jetty. I took some panorama photos and will have to figure out how Ted stitched them together.
When we got back, I showered and had some breakfast. Then I went to the Presbyterian Church in Avalon. It is an historic church; it was the second church built in Avalon around the turn of the last century. It was packed and even had folding chair for people to sit. There were locals and visitors attending. The guest minister was from Salt Lake City, UT. He sang and played the guitar. They have a hymn sing 15 minutes before the service. It was nice. It is wonderful to go to a different church and be a part of the greater Christian Family.
When I got back, John’s sister was cooking breakfast for her family. I nibbled on some bacon and had some of the banana bread I brought. It was made by my friend Dottie. It was in the freezer so I brought it with me. It had been cut up in slices as I had done with the others so I figured I could share it with more people.
Don and I went to Wildwood and walked on the boardwalk. It was 2:00 and I wasn’t very Hungary because we had been eating all morning. I decided on a Dairy Queen Strawberry Blizzard Don got a caramel mocha chip. We headed back to Avalon.
I saw a pizza on the table when we got back so I ate a slice. We hung out for awhile and John and his sister, Jeannie wanted to go to the beach. We loaded two cars with beach chairs and towels and trekked to the beach. We are way back on the bay so it would be a long walk. I’ll have to measure it tomorrow. I walked into the water up to my knees and was surprised to find it was not bad as far a temperature goes. I expected it to be a lot colder. Last week the temp was 66 degrees. It was a lot warmer today. I thought I should have worn my swim suit. I was wearing Capri pants that I rolled up. Upon returning to my beach chair, I was glad I didn’t go for a swim because the wind was strong and felt cold. I wrapped my self in my beach towel to keep warm. I was glad I wasn’t wet. I gave Ted’s parents a call and talked to Phylis. The connection was bad so we didn’t talk long.
When we got back to the house, Jeannie and Debbie got the dinner ready. Debbie brought chicken, ribs, and sausage with her. She had been to a wedding yesterday and they were giving away the food so she brought it with her. Don and I had bought some coleslaw and potato salad yesterday so we had a nice meal. The other two girls did all the preparation so I cleaned up.
Ted’s brother called tonight. He did not know I was in Avalon. That is what is so amazing about cell phones. You don’t have to be home to answer the phone. I wondered who was calling on my cell. Not too many people have the number. At first I thought there was a problem with my little Danny Boy. I missed him sleeping at the foot of my bed last night. He probably missed me too. I’ll be seeing him tomorrow. It was good to hear from Tom.
There are more of John’s family staying at the house tonight so I had to move out of my room with the double bed so a couple could have it. I moved into the room with my brother and the twin beds. I was sad about losing my porch but it’s not my house, I am a guest of a guest. John’s teenage nephew is sleeping on the porch. I displaced him out of the twin bed. I think he will probably move into the living room as the dampness and coolness settle in later tonight.
John is ready to go out to the night clubs and I don’t think he can get any takers. Don is conked out on the sofa. I would have liked to go down to Avalon’s boardwalk but I think Don had enough boardwalk for today. Avalon’s boardwalk is just that a walkway. No stores or amusements. There is a pizza parlor and an arcade. There is also a fishing pier that looks interesting. Perhaps we can go there tomorrow. It’s time to call it a night.
News from the Vorlon Wife