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I did some more weeding today. I mostly pulled out grass. It hides around the roots of the irises. I did a little sanding of the plaster patch over my kitchen door. I have to apply some spackle to smooth it out. I’ll work some more on that tomorrow.
I sent out one resume to the Boeing Company. I worked there before I was married. Ted worked there, too. They didn’t really have a job listed that would be suitable for me. I sent my resume anyway. I was going to send one to Christiana Health Care but the position that was listed yesterday, was gone today. I sent an email off to a contact at Great Plains to see if there are any partners or clients that may need someone. I looked in the Delco Times online and made a phone call about a job but had to leave a message. No one called back yet. I have a couple faxes to send tomorrow.
One of the real estate agents I saw on Sunday called today and bugged me. He seemed nice on Sunday but a real pest today. I shouldn’t have left my name. I have the feeling he’s going to keep bugging me. I’ll have to tell him to bug off.
I had to go to my former office and pick up some mail. For some reason, it wasn’t forwarded. Danny went on his usual walks barking at the mailman and others. We met my neighbor, Adelpha. Danny likes her. She had fallen last Friday and broke her arm. She has decided she cannot live alone anymore. She is in her 80’s. Her son lives nearby but not with her. He looks in on her. Her daughter had been a disappointment. She rarely comes around.
I had the other ear of corn for dinner tonight. Danny had a few kernels, too. He likes the corn but I think he likes the butter that I put on it.
I will be walking him soon. He is sleeping upstairs but he’ll come down in about 10 minutes. He knows his schedule. I walk him at 8:30.
It’s supposed to storm tonight. We really need the rain. I hope it waits until after I walk Danny.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Hi Karol,
I feel badly that I haven't written for a couple of days. I get very unorganized sometimes. It frustrates me, but when I read about Muscular Dystrophy, I think that as things progress, I will be noticing different things in my life changing some. I can still do many things, but at a little slower pace. And, I seem to need more sleep. Today, I could hardly believe it when I woke up and glanced at the clock. It was 11:15 a.m. It had turned refreshingly cooler during the night and maybe it just felt so good to not have things feel so hot, that I just rolled over and snuggled in again. My particular type of M.D. has caused my torso to fail me. I cannot stand up any longer without a special type of walker I have that helps me so much. I am still able to drive because my legs do very well. It's from my hips up that bothers me so. And, when I walk quite a bit during the day, it tires me greatly. But, oh well, that's the hand I was dealt and I'll play it with as much grace and courage as I can.
I remember when I was on my own in the 1970's and I had very little money and three small children and no job. Not a pretty picture. I had to find a place for us to live. It was a most scary time. To me, all the houses they showed me were awful. I would get depressed after looking at them and thinking that maybe the boys and I would have to settle for something like that. Finally, one day, I looked at a house that wasn't too high priced and it had enough room for us. We made an offer on it and they accepted it. It was so scary for me, but, we worked things out with the bank and we had our home. It wasn't fancy, but, we fixed it up pretty good and even though we have long since left that house, it will always be a special home to the boys and me. My point being Karol, hang on tight and one of these days, things will begin to work out for you. We ask the Lord for His guidance through these rough rough patches in our lives and He hears us and in time, you realize your prayers have been answered.
I surely wish you knew someone who could help you with some of your projects at home that need repair before you can put your home up for sale. I can feel your frustration at not having enough time or money to get everything done.
You are doing everything you can to try and find another job. Keep knocking on those doors and making those calls, someone will need your valuable skills. The economy is so tough right now that companies have to be so careful about hiring. We also have that situation in common too. In the 70's, times were tough with the economy and I needed a job in the worst way. I got tossed from one job to another for quite some time and then one bright and sunny day, Kellogg Community College interviewed me and hired me. That was surely a boost for my morale. I stayed there for 20 years and as a result have a nice pension and wonderful health benefits. What a gift that was. But, as they say, I had to kiss a lot of toads to finally find a prince, if you know what I mean.
Hang on tight Karol my dear. Things will begin to slowly change for you and you will begin to feel settled again. This has been the very toughest time of your life. You're dealing with multiple problems and it looks like there might not be a way out. But, there is. I am praying and cheering you on each day. I just know things will work out for you. I just know they will.
I'm sorry to go on so long Karol. But, I just wanted you to know a little about my dilemma in the 1970's when I thought I was going to become a street person. Just kidding, but I was plenty scared. But, the Lord listened and He helped us find our happy little home. You will always have my love and caring Karol. Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at July 11, 2007 9:19 PMHi Karol
Please do not be taken in by the Pesky Real estate sales person. If and when you are interested in working with a Realator, check out several, chosing one who you feel comfortable working with.
Our home is our most valuable asset and should be entrusted only to some one we have complete confidence in.
Dear Ruth,
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I know you have been through some difficutl times. Perhaps that is why you are able to cheer me on. You know that God is with us and we just have to be patient.
If you live in Everett, Washington you should have absolutely no problem getting hired on at the Boeing Company.
Posted by: Chuck at July 12, 2007 11:29 AM