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Short blog tonight. I am beat. I went to my friends funeral service today and then back to work. Work is always a challenge. Each day brings more problems. I am nearly finished closing Oct. I went through pretty quickly. Tomorrow is payroll and that is always a challenge. I also want to finish closing Oct.
Everyone felt the same about my friend Marian. She always had a cheerful smile. Sometimes she had such a sense of humor that we would doulble over in laughter. I will miss her.
Danny is waiting for me to come to bed so I'm off to join him.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Posted by tedkarol at December 4, 2007 9:04 PMDear Karol,
I'm so sorry that you lost you dear and precious friend. At this time in my life, this is one of the most difficult things - that of losing friends and family members. And, sudden deaths are so shocking and difficult to understand too. My heart will be with you as you learn more about what happened to Marian.
Isn't it embarrassing when you have the time wrong for an appointment (such as your church dinner)? Don't feel too badly about it though because I imagine that everyone that was there would have a story to tell about missed appointments. My latest goof-uo was very recently. I had an appointment at 2:45 and I had written on the calendar 12:45, so I was two hours early. They looked at me in a puzzling way when I went to the window to check in. Right away I got that sinking feeling (you know the feeling) that I had goofed. They were most accommodating and worked me in which I sure appreciated. And, I'm sure I'll do something like that again, as you probably will and so will many others. I would guess the reason you were mixed up on the time of the dinner is that your head is just crammed full with numbers, Appointment times, alarm clock times, payroll business, disability payments, etc. You live in a world of numbers Karol. And, I would bet that Ted wouldn't have been angry with you, he probably has done something similar and maybe just didn't share it with you so you wouldn't tease him.
The picture of the water lillies is so gorgeous. It would make a gorgeous screen saver. Both you and Ted have taken some lovely pictures of nature at its best. I truly love them and once again I thank you for sharing them and brightenng up my day.
I am thinking of you often Karol and ALWAYS remember you in my prayers. If you were to write down all the accomplishments in your life -you might just be very very surprised. You're someone to admire, that's for sure. Your strength just shines through. Your friend, Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at December 5, 2007 11:27 AMDear Karol
I agree with Ruth and I could not have said it any better than she did.
Take care of yourself this winter because you are vulnerable. The things that are going around are rough on the body.
Your blog friend
Wow, a lot has been going on since I last checked in. We didn't get to talk much at Rick's - I was trying to keep the beagle in the basement, Pat was having some issues keeping her in there.
Dogs, you never know what they will do.
Sorry to hear about your friend Marian and all the payroll stuff. I sympathize with you on that one, they keep changing how we do our job costing at work and I had to reenter this one job 3 times. Crazy. Plus getting ready for the holidays it's a wonder anyone can think straight. I forgot to pick up my cholesterol medicine, I was getting low so I called the Dr. to get a prescription renewal letting them know at the end of month I'd be out, well the Dr. had pharmacy fill right away and I forgot about it, they left a voicemail at the time and we deleted thinking oh we will get later, and forgot - they put it back in stock and I ran out. At least they are not critical if I miss a day or so.
I hope you get a few days off to relax at least.
Will see you at Tina's!