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Christmas Eve
We went to my nephew, Rick's to see the new baby. I sat down with my grand nephew, Joey and read him The Night Before Christmas. I don't think I had ever read that to a child. My mother would read it to my younger brother and me. I was a wonderful experience. I held my grand niece, Ryleigh for a while after we had our dinner. We took the dinner to their house as the baby is only a week old. We took some chicken, mashed potatoes and coleslaw as well as plenty of goodies. Rick and Michelle gave me a Tiffany lamp candle.
We didn't stay too long as the baby has been keeping them up at night and they were very tired.
We came home, changed our clothes and went to the 11:00 church service at the Holmes Presbyterian Church. It is the church I grew up in and Ted and I were married there. The same minister is still there. The service was rather long as it was a Communion Service and the sermon was on the long side too. I thought of how proud my parents would be looking down from heaven to see the four of us at the Christmas Service. I think it was a first as Ted and I have always lived away and didn't come to visit until Christmas Day.
We no sooner got home from the service when he fire radio started beeping. My brother, Rick is the county Fire Marshall. There was a house on fire and people were trapped inside. He went to the fire and didn't get home until after 3am.
Christmas Day.
We all woke up late and still tired.
We got ready by 11am to go to my nephew, Bob's. We took their gifts to them. The children loved their gifts. I gave them books and they were happy with my choices. My brother, Don, gave them each a game that they thought was very cool. We got some delicious cakes from Bob and Dana. After, Bob's, we headed for my niece, Tina's for Christmas Dinner. There were ten of us for dinner. Sean and Tina just had a new fire place put in. The room was toasty warm. I left Danny Boy at Rick's as Tina and Sean have three dogs and one is a German Sheppard. I didn't know how he would accept Danny as it is chancy taking a male dog into another male dog's house. We all had a good dinner of turkey with the trimmings. We exchanged our gifts. Most gifts were small items. I got a bottle of wine, a family photo frame, and a big tin of pop corn. I also got some tools for renovating my house and a George Forman Grill with three grills. One for steaks, one for pancakes and I don't remember the other. Don gave Danny boy a canister of treats. It is shaped like a fire plug.
When we got home, I took Danny out for a walk and heard the fire whistle go off. I saw Rick diving away as we were completing the walk. It was a chimney fire. Danny just came down from our room and barked at Rick. He didn't recognize him in his fire attire.
Back to work tomorrow morning. It is payroll day. I'll leave here around 7. Go home, change and drop off Danny.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Hi Karol,
What a wonderful Christmas holiday you had. You were certainly busy with visiting so many family members, but, that's what Christmas is all about. I totally agree with your thoughts about your parents looking down from Heaven to see all four of you in the Holmes Presbyterian Church for the midnight service. That was beautiful.
I have this funny little story to tell about midnight services at our church when I was probably an early teenager. One of our friends that was in our young people's group brought her father with her to the late services. About half way through the sermon, her father fell face first off the pew and slid onto the floor. We soon realized he was very inebriated and I will never forget the embarrassment our fellow friend felt about her father. She was probably hoping he would go forward to the altar that night and be saved - - oops, that didn't work. I felt terribly sorry for our friend.
What a beautiful gift for both you and your grand nephew Joey to read the story "Twas the Night Before Christmas". It's always wonderful to read to children. I have gone to schools to do reading to the children, and even if the children have never seen you before, they crawl right up on your lap and cuddle. I think reading to a child is a very comforting gift for both child and the reader. I love the experience.
Now, my last comment will be that after working on today's payroll, it is not recommended that you come home and drink the entire bottle of wine, even though I'm sure the idea is very appealing. I just had to add a bit of silliness to the day.
Wishing you my very best each day. Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at December 26, 2007 12:10 PM