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I've been feeling kinda down since I got home. I came home to an empty house without Ted and the thought of getting the house ready for market is overwhelming. To top it off, I was walking Danny yesterday around 5pm and I got a pain in my foot. It felt like I twisted my ankle but I didn't twist it. I hobbled home, got out the ice pack and elevated it on the sofa. I must have fallen asleep because the phone rang and it was my friend from Nature Club. I was supposed to pick her up at 6:50 and it was 7:45. The meeting started at 7 and I didn't feel like rushing around with this foot. I told my friend that the meeting would be over by the time we got there.
Anyway, the Nature Club survived without us. Another Nature Club friend called to see if I were OK. She was concerned I was sick or something. I explained the situation and she told me everything went well with the meeting.
I called the doctor this morning and have an appointment for Monday. I have been icing the foot and elevating it. I beleive it is a stress fracture. Ted had them from his running. I do a lot of walking with Danny and hiking around Yosemite may have caused the stress on the foot. I jokingly said to Don that it's a wonder I don't twist my ankle on this rocky trail.
I am doing OK but walking Danny is difficult. He likes his walks and I have cut them short. He doesn't do his business on a short walk so I have to take him out more often. I try putting him on the lead from the back porch but he either scratches at to door to come in or goes running and barking at someone passing by - scaring them half to death.
Maybe I'll take him to Erica's for a few days until I can walk better. I'll see how things are tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife
Dear Karol,
I'm so sorry about the pain you're having in your foot. Isn't that strange that you don't even remember twisting it or even having it ache while you were walking Yosemite? I sure hope the doctor can help and I hope it isn't anything too serious. What a bummer. Danny doesn't understand it when you can't walk. He's pretty smart, maybe if you explain it to him, he'll get it. Or maybe not!! Take good care and I'll be reading your blog to see how your foot is doing. Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at September 28, 2008 2:02 PM