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Utah and Nevada looked very much like this photo from the airplane. There is a ribbon of a river in the photo but notice the valley it flows through has no green vegetation and there is no sign of a town. I believe this is Utah because of the red rocks. Athough the rock formations are beautiful, I could not believe the vast emptyness and stark dryness of the landscape.
Posted by tedkarol at October 1, 2008 11:00 AMI can relate to your comment about the starkness of the land you viewed over Nevada and Utah. We also saw some areas like that on our recent trip. I think you just have to think of those areas as another type of beautiful landscape. Kind of like people. We don't all look alike, but, we're all beautiful and offer something special to the landscape of life.
I'm so glad your foot is feeling a little better. It sure makes life a bit harder when we have to favor a certain part of our body. We finally get it as to why we have all these body parts. They all must work together to make the whole body work correctly. I just hope you can stay off from it enough to let it heal as quickly as it can.
I can just see Danny when he's all wet with all those fluffy curls hanging over his woeful dripping eyes. As with children, they would probably choose to never take a bath. They see the dirt and the smell as just hunky dory. Then, as we well remember, all of a sudden, when we reach the ripe old age of 12, we can't take enough showers and curl our hair often enough. The world awaits our beauty and scent. I'm sure Danny looks positively handsome when he's cleaned and de-scented. He's just so precious.
Take continued care of your foot and heal quickly Karol. Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at October 2, 2008 1:35 PMDear Karol,
You are probably right about the sadness you're feeling now. It is such powerful pain at times, you think you just can't make it through. But, you can. That I know my dear. And, I'm sure you do feel overwhelmed about trying to get your house ready for the market. You and Ted worked hand in hand with everything for many years and now here you are facing a mighty big decision. It seems like I have seen a list somewhere that shows the stresses that cause such pain, confusion and heartache. And, unfortunately, I think you probably fit into the top 3 or 4. Getting a home ready for the market is truly a big task and maybe you don't really need to do everything. Oftenimes, the new owners want to paint or paper the walls in their favorite color. And, I think about the curb appeal your home offers. It presents a well-loved home with your hedge so beautifully trimmed and your ever-gorgeous flowers. One thought might be to list the house for a little less than you would like, and the listing could say that the new owners could fix up a few things as long as the price was lower. I know we can always use the money when we're trying to sell, but, for you, getting all the jobs done is probably too much for you to undertake. I so well remember when I was alone and raising the three boys, there was always something that needed fixing. So when I decided to sell, I just prayed I would find someone who would be able to take care of things better than I could. Well, as it turns out, my next door neighbor wanted my little starter home for one of his daughters. And, fix it up they did! It hardly looked like the same house. So, they were glad to have the selling price lower so they could justify the fix-up costs. We gotta do what we gotta do sometimes. Talk to your realtor about this possibility and get their feel for doing something like this. It's just overwhelming to you, and that much stress along with your grief you are still feeling, is just too much Karol. I sure wish I could help you. I just hope you can feel my love for you and I hope that might help just a teensy bit. And, pray. Pray very specifically to our Heavenly Father. He is always awaiting our needs and will walk with you Karol.
I'm keeping you in my "Very Important" prayers each day. Do what you can, but, please don't undertake so much that it affects your health. Things truly have a way of falling into place when we least expect it. Caring for you always. Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at October 3, 2008 5:30 PM