October 23, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Today, I paid some bills, cleaned out the fireplace, did some wash, dug up some more glads, packed up some more stuff, and gave Danny a trim. I put him up on the washing machine with treats ready to reward him after I make a few snips. His fur grows so fast I have to trim him every week.

No bites on the house yet. My niece and her husband and my brother will be coming next week to help with some things. Cheryl and Ed will take my plastic lawn furniture, some plants, and some computers. Ed fixes them up. My neighbor gave me a computer when he moved so I’ll give it to Ed. I also have a few computers from the business that he can take.

Last night, I remembered that Ted and I stored some lumber up on the loft in the garage. Maybe my brother and Ed can get it down and put it out on the curb to be recycled by the trash pickers. They can also take the air conditioners out of the windows and put them in the basement. I will leave 3 of them. Two are very energy inefficient so I do not want them. The other is making a noise so I don’t want that one either. I will keep the 4th one. If I can’t use it in my new home, I’ll give it to my brother. He could use it in his bedroom. He only has one downstairs.

Tomorrow, I will clean the fish tank, dig some more bulbs, and do some more cleaning in the basement.

News from the Vorlon Wife.

Posted by tedkarol at October 23, 2008 9:29 PM

Hi Karol,

You're getting a lot of things done. Isn't it amazing that when we must make a decision about the stuff we kept for some unknown reason, we can finally look at it and say "This stuff is outta here". If we would just keep up on clearing that junk out, we'd be better off. I think most of us think that just maybe we'll need it someday, but, we probably never will use it again. I think the younger generation can toss things easier than we can. Saving really begins at about age 40 when you start thinking what you should save for the kids. Actually, they would undoubtedly tell us "hey, don't keep that for me". I'm sure never gonna use it". But, maybe someday when they're 40, they will begin to remember about some of those things and wish they had them. Oh well, that's the way of the world. It isn't until we finally reach the age where our history and family truly begins to be more important to us that the closets start filling up with our stuff we just might use someday!

Anyway, I'm proud of you for chucking some of your "stuff" that you probably thought you'd use someday. Which reminds me - I guess I better go check the front closet and pitch some of my own stuff.

Enjoy your weekend. Love, Ruth

Posted by: Ruth at October 25, 2008 4:30 PM