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I intended to get the hedge trimmed early but I had to find some documents to take to Ann's office to make copies. By the time I found what I needed copied and took them to Ann's and got back, it was too hot and humid to do any work outside. I have to wear long pants and long sleeve shirt so I don't get all scratched up. I just vegetated in the airconditioning.
I'm kinda bummed out. I'm paying for a storage bin that had the office stuff in it. Everything is out except two desks, two filing cabinets and a chair. I have no way of getting them out of there. I called a charitable organization and a used office furniture dealer and had no luck. I was hoping to get them moved to my garage but I have to depend on friends who have trucks. One friend volunteered but has long working hours and hasn't been able to do it. I hate having to be dependent on others. Maybe a couple of the men from church can help me but the man who has the truck is older and I don't know if he is able to lift the desks up there.
I hope I can get that hedge done tomorrow before the rains come. The grass also needs cutting again. It seems like I just cut it.
My laptop is not able to get onto the internet. The message says to call the manufacturer. I didn't renew the service plan so I guess I'll have to pay to get it working. It's always something.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Posted by tedkarol at August 4, 2009 8:19 PMGood morning Karol,
I've thought about having to depend on others for things I wouldn't be able to do if something happened to Dave. And, if you think about it, there are SO many things I simply would not be able to do. And, just as you mentioned, there are people that you know that could do it, but, how many times can you ask them? It would be so very hard to ask over and over. On the other hand, people are so willing to help others that in reality, there are undoubtedly lots of kind people out there that would be able to help you move those items. I will pray about that specific concern Karol. If only we lived closer, Dave has a truck and he would be so willing to help you. But, we're in Michigan and you're in New Jersey. That indeed would be a real problem to help you with this project. I am standing in faith believing that help is on the way.
While we were watching the evening news yesterday, there was a story about many dogs on the east side of Michigan that are dying from something called Parvo Virus. They die very quickly if they haven't been vaccinated for the virus. I only mention this because of Danny Boy. I'm quite sure that you make sure he is vaccinated, and current with all his shots. But, if he isn't, I would suggest he have the Parvo Virus vaccine right away. The dogs die within 72 hours after the first symptom.
I'm sad that you always have so much to take care of on your own. Those of us that have help with many of our concerns need to remember to thank the Lord for those gifts we have everyday. If they're taken away, life would surely be so difficult - more so than we can even imagine. I pray that your home will soon sell so you can be rid of so many chores on your N.J. home. The hedge is a beautiful part of your property, but, so demanding in the warm months that you keep it trimmed. As my father used to say about difficult periods in our lives, "this too shall pass".
Thinking of you Karol and praying that some of your daily challenges will soon be lifted from your shoulders.
A caring sister, Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at August 5, 2009 9:57 AM