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We got up around 7am and after I had some coffee, I took Danny out for his walk. It’s a good thing I took him then as later, I was doing my bills and a loud explosion type of noise rocked my whole house and I ran out back in my pajamas. I thought my propane tank had exploded. It looked just fine. While I was outside, there was another big explosion. Everyone had come out of their trailers. The girl across the street said, “What the h*** was that?” I said, “I don’t know but it came from over there” as I pointed to the southwest.
I called Ed, my niece’s husband and he said the cabinet doors opened and closed. He also said sometimes the Aberdeen Proving Grounds set something off but it’s louder.
A lady in the trailer park said the Army Corp of Engineers sometimes set off dynamite. So far, no one knows what it was. I was shaking for about 15 minutes. It scared the heck out of me. Danny was hiding under the computer desk and then went into the closet when I opened the door to find a heavy sweater.
I don’t feel like I got much done besides the bills. I went to the post office but it closes for lunch between 1 and 2. I went on to the supermarket to get some things before the big storm. I had plenty of food but needed some crackers, cookies, hot chocolate, coffee, cream cheese and I got some more bread. I probably had enough but they are predicting a blizzard. We are on the borderline of 6-12 inches and 12+ inches. Maybe it will miss us.
Yesterday, I saw a falcon across the street on the roof of a house. It looked large for a kestrel and Peregrines usually like tall buildings. This building was 2 ½ stories. It was probably a kestrel but they are small. They are also called a sparrow hawk. Maybe I’ll see it again with my binoculars and guide book in hand.
When I was in my storage shed, I heard some kind of bird out back. It was a jay. They make a noise like a squeaky gate sometimes. There were also many other birds and I didn’t have my binos. I saw a few yellowish brown birds perhaps cedar waxwings but I didn’t get a good enough look at them. I also saw the familiar bright red of a cardinal. I heard Chickadees and a woodpecker.
I bought some mouse traps at the dollar store and some moth balls to throw under the trailer. I put some peanut butter on the trap for bait and told myself to be careful that it doesn’t snap on my finger. It did and the darn thing has barbs on it. It doesn’t hurt but it took out a piece of skin.
I have droppings under my sink in the master bath. I also took off the cover that accesses the plumbing under the garden tub. There are big holes around the pipes and mouse dropping in their. I wish people would do things right. I have to figure out how to fix that. The hole is too big to foam it. I also have to figure out how to fix the gap behind my furnace. I looked in there with my flashlight and could see down under the floor to the insulation. I guess I’ll have to measure and cut a piece of wood, apply glue and shove it down behind there. My saws are in Vineland but I can measure and take it to one of my nephews to cut.
I hope Ryleigh’s birthday doesn’t get snowed out. She will be two and her party is tomorrow. The snow is supposed to start early in the morning (middle of the night) and continue all day Saturday. We shall see.
I never did get my package mailed. I may not be able to get it out until Monday.
News from the Vorlon Wife.