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Chesapeake City.
I got up early and got thing packed and ready for the car. I went to the bank and stopped by the appliance dealer and got a filter for my frige. The people came to look at my house at one. I heard their real estate lady say, “You can make the seller paint the garage because you can have paint that’s peeling.” I thought, “cha ching”. It doesn’t seem fair that when we bought the house, there weren’t any rules like that. We had to scrape and paint the house ourselves. All the windows and trim were peeling and so were the sofits. We had to buy our own smoke alarms and CO2 alarms. We had to paint the entire house, upgrade the electric, and buy our own rugs, air conditioners, frige, and dishwasher. I heard her give away my living room rug and dishwasher. I have no idea what she may have given away upstairs. The living room rug is about 37 years old and the dishwasher leaks so I don’t care if they want them. It’s just the idea. I guess it’s the part I overheard her say about making me paint the garage that ticked me off. If I have to paint it, I ought to paint it pink or something gross.
We made good time getting down here. I unloaded the car and a neighbor pulled up in his pick up asking about the dryer. I told him it was already sold. I had a washer for sale. He said he could use a washer but he needed a dryer more.
I had dinner at my nephew, Rick’s. Michelle made spaghetti with meatballs and sausage. She also served salad and garlic bread. Her friend brought the desert of apple cobbler with vanilla ice cream. After dinner, we watch a movie. The have that On Demand service. I’m not sure how it works. I have always stuck with basic service. The movie was funny but had crude language. It was the Hangover... before the wedding.
Rick lives 20 minutes from me. I hope he can find a job in the area. I would hate if he had to move. Danny is ready for be and he is moaning for me to go, too. He thinks I have to go with him. Well, he just headed for the bedroom. I guess he gave up on me. I have my hot tea and will read for awhile.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
It seems like a lot of things have changed in the selling of a home. Our son and wife just recenly sold their home. They found another one they really liked - so things were moving along nicely. Then, after 10 days, the couple that had made an offer on their house backed out. It just doesn't seem quite fair. However, stuff happens that we don't always understand. Tom's wife is very upset because she loved the home they had chosen. We feel badly for them too. Maybe, someone else will come along and buy their house and they could still get the new home. We'll see.
Is it really okay for your realtor to tell the prospective buyers that you would need to paint the garage if they wanted that done? Maybe it is. We haven't been in the home-selling or home-buying world for a long time. It really does seem pretty tricky to get everything to come together and everybody's happy.
Still, it might be better if you painted the garage so you could finally live in just one home. Your life isn't easy Karol. Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at January 17, 2010 4:24 PMIt wasn't my realtor, it was the buyers realtor. She is know for being aggressive.
Posted by: Karol at January 17, 2010 6:51 PMThe garage was painted three times since we lived there. For some reason, the paint just doesn't stick. It needs vinyl siding but I'm not going to put that on at this point.
Posted by: Karol at January 17, 2010 6:53 PMWhen we were trying to sell our house, a prospective buyer wanted us to tear down the work shop Len had built BEFORE they made an offer. That shop cost us more than $10,000 and we knew it would be loved by most men who looked at the house.
They also wanted us to provide a MATCHED washer and dryer. These appliances were in a separate laundry room and nothing was wrong with them. They simply were not a matched set. HEy- we were not charging for them, but were simply leaving them with the house.
There was no way we were going to honor either request. Had we torn down a 3 year old shop costing up more money, then the people pulled out of the deal, what did we gain? Anyway, Steve absolutely loves the shop and has even build a large platform in it for storage. The shop is 16 foot high.
So, don't jump into doing any changes to your home too quickly.
Posted by: at January 18, 2010 9:06 AM