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I fell asleep last night watching my online TV. It was almost midnight when I woke up. I turned off the computer but forgot to take out the mobile broadband unit and the wireless mouse transmitter.
Michelle came home yesterday afternoon. She and the children were staying in Sea Isle City, NJ with her parents. The condo was very small and on the 4th floor. The balcony’s railing was spaced wide enough for Ryleigh to put her head through and Michelle feared she would fall through. The children had no room to play and the beach was 4 blocks away. It was a hassle to get to the beach. I don’t know if the place had an elevator or not. She decided to come home and relax by her pool.
She called me around one o’clock while I was preparing my lunch. After I ate, I started packing up my stuff. I kept bringing things over from the mobile home and had them spread out throughout the house. I had the nose of my car sticking into the garage to keep it out of the hot sun. I packed it up except for the food in the frig and freezer. It went up to 95 degrees yesterday with the heat index of 99.
In the morning, I went to the mobile home and started painting my shelves. I brushed the rust with a wire brush and sprayed on some primer I had in the shed. Ted must have bought it a long time ago. It was auto primer. I don’t remember what car it was for. Anyway, I watered the plants while the primer was drying. I had a 10 foot length of hose so I attached it to the 50 foot hose. I figured I need all the hose I could get. I found the attachment for watering the flowers and went to work watering. I could reach about 75% of my flowers but the water started coming out of the hose where it hooked to the attachment. I tried to tighten it and the connection broke off inside the attachment. I finished watering without the attachment and put my thumb over the end to squirt it out further to reach the plants. I had to fill the bucket a couple times to finish the plants I couldn’t reach. The water had sprayed all over me but in this heat it didn’t matter.
I sprayed the almond paint on the shelves. I did have sheets spread out as drop cloths but the stump of an old oak tree worked better. I could lean the shelves against it. I will need to give them another coat and do the underside of the shelves. I also need to do the legs of the shelves. I am debating whether to leave them gray as a contrast. I haven’t decided yet. I will have to get more paint at the home depot. I’ll see how much one shelf takes and then get what I need for the other.
When I got home from Michelle’s, I heard thundering off to the north. It was a gentle rumble and the radio said it was storming north of Philadelphia. I took Danny for his walk before the storm came. When we got back, he stuck to me like glue as I unpacked and put away my things. We had our dinner and were watching the TV on the computer when I noticed Danny was trembling. He was terrified of the thunder. It wasn’t very loud but was constant for a couple hours. I pulled him next to me and covered him up with a pillow with his head sticking out watching the computer screen. He looks at the TV to see who or what is coming into the room. He barks at animals and sometimes people; usually the baddies. It is difficult to watch a western as he barks at the horses and doesn’t stop. After the downpour, he stopped trembling. I talked softly to him and he settled down. He probably wanted to hide under a bed but my mattress set is on the floor and so is the air mattress bed. He hides under a chair in the corner of the yellow bedroom and under the computer desk in the master bedroom. The chair wasn’t at the desk so I guess he felt it wasn’t a secure enough hiding place.
I’ll be taking Danny for his long walk this morning. It will be another day of 95 degrees. I need to get the painting done before it heats up. It was already 70 degrees before 6am.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Hi Karol,
Poor little Danny Boy - he is just like me when the thunder and lightning are lighting up the sky and the thunder booms. I don't seem to have any control over it, but, when the thunder booms, I scream. I don't mean to, but, it just happens. And, of course, my screaming scares Dave. I have really worked at trying to stop doing this, but, before I even know it, out comes my scream!! Danny and I would be a real mess if we were together during a storm.
I feel sorry for him, but, you're prepared to help him now because you know how frightened he gets. What a good mommy you are. I know he thinks you're just a bag of chips and more (and you are).
Yo're sure having some high temps your way. So are we, but, we're always thankful for our air conditioner. I'm so glad you have air in your new home. Give Danny Boy a hug from me and whisper in his ear that I'm scared of all that stormy stuff too. Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at June 24, 2010 2:51 PM