July 5, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

Another hot day. I put some things out in the shed. I watered my neighbors vegetable garden and my flowers. I used the grass clippers to trim up the grass near my fence. I did some sewing on my curtains and hung them in the kitchen. I was going to go to the store but it was too hot to venture out. It went up to 102 degrees in my back yard. It was still up there at 7pm but dropped to 80 at 8pm. It seems to drop down when the sun goes beyond the trees.

I had some sweet potatoes my neighbor gave me. It’s been too hot to turn on the oven so I cooked them in my electric frying pan. They came out pretty good. I sliced them in half and cooked them on 350 for an hour.

Danny must not be feeling good. He seems to get like that after he has his heart medicine. He doesn’t eat much. This morning, he ran to the door to go out. He never runs to the door. I took him out and he started eating grass.

I hope I get an early start tomorrow as it is supposed to be even hotter. I would stay longer if Danny didn’t have his vet appointment. He gets his second dose of Lyme disease vaccine.

News from the Vorlon Wife.

Posted by tedkarol at July 5, 2010 9:50 PM