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Well, I did it again. I fell asleep during the last 15 minutes of Mystery and I don’t know what happened. It was about Inspector Lewis. Maybe I can catch it online.
I slept late today around 7 am. I walked Danny and it looked like it was going to rain so I put a few things that were in the yard, into the shed. I don’t know how I fit anything else in there but I did. I got ready for church. I sat with my new friends, Frances, Joan and Emily. The choir did not sing today. I had only a granola bar for breakfast so I got a beagle at the coffee hour after church. I went to the Sunday School class. They are studying “The Purpose Driven Life”. I have the book packed in one of the boxes here somewhere but I haven’t unpacked the books yet.
After church, it was raining so I put some kraut and pork chops in the crock-pot. I didn’t know if Cheryl and Ed were going out to dinner or not but I wanted to have a couple meals on hand. I ate some of my veggies for lunch with some cheese. I took Danny out in the drizzle and then found a John Wayne movie to watch. Cheryl called around 3pm and we went to the Hibachi Grill at 5:30.
Ed will bring a hand truck over and help me move the washer and dryer next week. I think he said he would power wash my house. It needs it. It has moss growing on the north side which faces the road. He gave me a suggestion on how to get my computer started but I didn’t have any success. I’ll have to call them tomorrow and find out what to do.
I found a box labeled X tapes. I had been looking for where I put my exercise tapes. I wanted to go through them and see if any were suitable for the church exercise group. The one they had that we all liked broke. I have a couple walking tapes that might work.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Hi Karol,
It's probably tough to imagine, but, one of these days, you'll have everything in its place. When we moved to our mobile, we sure had to think how to fit our things in a smaller home. Actually, I am a bit of a collector and our smaller home forced me to get rid of some things. And, I guess I've never missed them because I don't remember what all the stuff was!! And, from talking to other older people, we all seem to be doing better at shedding some of our "stuff". For me, I was always taught to save - save - save because you just might find a use for that someday. So, it is ingrained that I should save, but, I was forced to begin re-thinking that habit. And, it is still very hard for me at times to throw a certain thing away or donate it to Goodwill, etc.
You sound a lot like me about music. I also took piano lessons for several years, but, I was never very good at it. I end up doing what you do when we sing a hymn at church that I'm not familar with. I at least know whether to raise or lower my voice by the notes on the scale. I can't really understand why I couldn't do better at my piano lessons. Maybe my mind was on other things at that age. I've passed that trait on to my children it seems. A couple of the boys have tried their very best to learn to play guitars, etc. No luck. Sorry about that kids! They all have really nice singing voices though. In fact, my son in San Diego has made several CD's and they are really good. He never made it to the top, as is what happens to many of us that have mediocre voices and think we are as good as some of the top stars. NOT!!
I wish I was there to help you with getting settled, but, I can assure you from past experience, that you will find a place for everything and everything will be in its place one fine day.
I love you Karol and pray for a good week for you in every way. Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at September 27, 2010 2:43 PMI didn't do well at piano lesson because I didn't practice. I was more of an outdoors kid. I liked sports and with two brothers, I played baseball and football. I went roller skating, ice skating, and bike riding. We also hiked to a local park on occasion.
Posted by: at September 27, 2010 6:58 PM