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Yesterday, I babysat for my nephew, Rick while he and his wife Michelle went to a wedding on her side of the family. I stayed with Joey age 7 and Ryleigh age 2. Joey played with his computer games but Ryleigh had to be watched every second. She was upstairs in Joey’s room being awfully quiet. I found her standing on a counter stool trying to close the 2nd floor window. I have heard of kids falling through screens so I quickly got her down from there. My brother and sister=in=law came down for a while to help me out. The kids were eating junk food all afternoon and I didn’t figure they’d be very hungry. I hadn’t cooked pasta in a long time and misjudged how much to cook. I had to do a second batch because both kids wanted seconds. I couldn’t find anything in there kitchen so I was challenging but we got by. Ryleigh was a mess. She had to have a second bath as she had icing all over her and spilled her tea twice. She also ran outside with bare feet and they were dirty. Sylvia, my sister-in-law and Ryleigh’s grandmother gave her a bath. They left after we got the kids into their pajamas. Joey had a bowl of cereal for a snack. They were to watch TV in Joey’s room and fall asleep. Joey wanted to watch TV in his parent’s room and Ryleigh wanted me to stay with her in Joey’s bed with the two dogs. She fell asleep so I checked on Joe. He was still awake. I got a bowl of ice cream, let the dogs out, and checked on Joey again. He was asleep so I turned off the TV. I got into bed with Ryleigh and the two dogs. She tossed, turned, and took her half out of the middle. I fell asleep for a couple hours; the dogs started barking when Rick and Michelle came home. It was very late as the wedding was until 11pm and they had an hour drive. I felt like I was awake all night between Ryleigh and the dogs moving around. I was awakened at 6:30 when Joey came climbing into his bed. He found a spot to crawl into. I guess the poor kid was surprised when he found his bed was full of people and dogs. I got up, let the dogs out and got some coffee.
Ryleigh came down about 7:00 followed by Joey at 7:30. Rick and Michelle came down around 8 and made some pancakes and bacon for breakfast.
I got ready so I could go to the 11:00 service at my church. I got there in plenty of time. It was the Contemporary Service and the rock band hurt my ears. You could feel the vibration in the pews, the floor, and on my chest. The church was rocking. Not my cup of tea but I like to support my church. I’ve been dragging all day and didn’t get a thing done except prepare food for Danny and me. I walked him but this afternoon, he only got as far as the driveway when he heard some hunters fire their gun and he made an about face to the house.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Let me tell you - kids are EXHAUSTING. When we had the grandkids for the weekend, both Len and I collapsed after they went home. Now that we are away from them we sure are missing those weekends!
Beautiful weather here in TN today.
Posted by: at October 10, 2010 6:48 PMAHHHHH, the joy of raising children. It does seem to be especially hard when we're a bit older. I know God knew what he was doing when he planned for children to be born to the younger set!! They're joyful, but, exhausting at times. But, then, when they are asleep in their beds at night, they look so precious - and then comes the dawn - and we start the rat race all over again. You did a good job with them Karol. Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at October 11, 2010 12:24 PM