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I went to church this morning and sat with Frances. I had a couple egg salad and a PB&J sandwich during fellowship. I only had a yogurt for breakfast so they went down well. I went down to the Sunday School room but since only a few people showed up, they just went over what we will do for next week and then we went home. Not many were in the church service either. I guess everyone was tired out. I didn't get up until 7. I either had to skip walking Danny or skip breakfast. I walked Danny. It started snowing around noon. I tried to walk Danny but he wanted nothing to do with walking in the snow. I think he didn't like the wind. I didn't get him very far this afternoon either.
It's been a quiet day. I watched some movies on TV. Danny made a pain of himself barking at the screen. I think he does it sometimes because he wants my attention on him and not the TV.
I started to make a pot of tea this afternoon. I usually just make one cup but I thought it was a good day to make a whole pot. I'm glad I rinsed out the pot because a stink bug was hibernating in the spout. How gross. It would have been worse if I had poured out my tea and got a stink bug in it. I tried another teapot. Same thing, another but hiding in the spout. They didn't like having water poured on them as they released their odor. It smells sort of like paint thinner. I finally made the tea in my carafe; the lid screws on tight and the bugs can't slither in. My cabinets over the stove and counter area are not divided between the doors. The space is open. I believe the bugs crawled into the space between the ceiling and the roof. From there, they came in around the stove vent. I have since blocked the space around the vent pipe but they must have gotten in before I blocked it up. I have to check everything before I use it. I'll have to put a plastic bag over my tea pots. I will probably have them hatching out inside my house next spring.
I went to my brother Rick's yesterday. Tina, Bob, Dana, Jimmy, and Ashly were there. They were not able to make it to my nephew, Rick's. Don brought his friend, Evelyn. Rick, Michelle, Joey, and Ryleigh came for a short time. Cheryl and Ed were there earlier but had to go to Ed's brother's.
The snow looks like it is mainly to the east of us. It only looks like an inch and a half has fallen so far and it's been snowing for five hours. The roads are covered and I heard the snow plow go by a few times on Bethel Road. We're supposed to get 4 to 8 inches. Atlantic City is to get 1 to 2 feet. We'll see in the morning.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Posted by tedkarol at December 26, 2010 7:10 PMWhen I was a boy, we had a big Thanksgiving dinner at our house. And, as always, my mother served hot tea. As she was pouring tea for those who wanted a second cup, a big black spider crawled out of the spout. It became a family joke for many years.
Posted by: Ned at December 27, 2010 8:16 AMHi Karol,
I got a good laugh from Ned's story about his mother's pet spider(????). I just have to tell the story of a friend of ours and her husband eating at a local restaurant. She ordered a cup of tea and when she finished the tea, there was a centipede at the bottom of the cup. I have NEVER gone into that restaurant again. It's a popular restaurant, but, if all those patrons knew that story, the restaurant would probably go out of business. I guess it makes a funny story, but, yuk, it makes me ill to think of that happening to me! Actually, I might have screamed very loudly and scared everyone away.
In order to use your teapots again, you'll probaably have to boil some water and add some soap to the teapost and pour the hot water through it so that it feels clean to you again. You sound almost as squirmy as I am about stuff like this.
We're reading and hearing about lots of snow in the East. Hope you don't get stranded anywhere. I'm glad you had a nice Christmas Karol. I'm feeling very tired today because of all the hurrying from here to there around the Christmas holidays. Next year, Christmas will be on Sunday, and there will probably be many beautiful church services.
Well, be on guard for the stink bugs!! I'm so glad we don't have them in our area. At least I haven't heard of any. Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at December 27, 2010 2:24 PMI found five stink bugs hiding in the box of coffee filters. Fortunately, the filters were in plastic bags inside the box. They had a buriel at sea. I put the teapots in the dishwasher on high heat. When they were done, I put sandwich bags around the spouts and secured them with a twist tie. I'm going to have to go through everything in the cabinets over the stove. There are four of them that are open to each other. I looked the critters up online and it said if you are finding them inside your house then you are infested with them. What joy. The only thing to do is vaccuum or flush them. I do both. If they are on the ceiling then I get out the tube and hose attachment.
Posted by: Karol at December 27, 2010 10:38 PM