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It turned out to be a warm day today, in the 80's. I did some work on the two back rooms. I had padding to go under the rugs but was folded up, lying on top of the day beds. I cut it up into four pieces and put under the rugs in those rooms. The padding was from the rug I took up in the living room in Vineland. The oriental rugs in the yellow room had padding at one time but for some reason, Ted threw it out. It caused the rugs to wear more than they should have. The blue room has a lighthouse motif and never had a pad under it. They all feel good to walk on now. Both rooms needs the pictures hung up. That will be next but I have to get some more hooks.
I trimmed the grass out near the fence. I will be putting more mulch down in that area. I gave Danny a hair cut but it needs going over. I nipped my finger with the grass clippers and it was hard to cut Danny with a band aid on my finger. The fur stuck to the edges of the band aid. He always needs going over anyway because his downy undercoat gets matted and needs constant brushing. It is like fine strands of silk but is kinky curly and it takes going over a few times to get it evened out. I guess that's why they use clippers and scalp the poodles. I don't like the look of his naked skin when the groomer did him last time.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Posted by tedkarol at April 20, 2011 7:41 PMYour 80 degree weather should hasve been shared with us in MI. It's still not very warm at all. There ae many folks who have some type of infection. Some call what they have bronchitis, others say they think it is sinus congestion, and some of us just know we don't feel up to par. And, we think warmer weather is the only thing to cure all of us from the winter blues.
Dave did mow our front yard yesterday. He had fertilized so the grass grew fast and it looks nice and green and evened out today. I guess we'll just have to continue being patient.
Wishing you a very nice Resurrection Sunday Karol. Our church will have a sunrise service at 7:30, then we'll have a carry-in-breakfast in the fellowship room, and then regular service at 11:00. And, this year, there will be an Easter egg hunt after the service. So, there is something for everyone. A little later in the day, we'll go over to Tom and Mary's (son and daughter-in-law and the two girls) for our Easter dinner. It will be a busy day. It is such a wonderful day if a person is a christian, to think that Jesus was resurrected to sit at the right hand of God. Thank you Jesus for our salvation. God's grace is mighty and we thank Him for sending the perfect sacrificial lamb to die on the cross at Calvary for our sins. I surely wish everyone understood what the day really is to each of us that choose Jesus as our Saviour. Have a blessed day. Love, Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at April 22, 2011 4:45 PM