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I took a walk around the block this morning and then went to the church to do the finances. Ursula and I work on them until about 11:45. I went home, had some lunch, made a list of where I needed to go and what I needed to get.
First stop was the Vet to pick up Danny's remains. It was difficult to drive to the Vet without Danny riding in the car. I had a whole box of Advantix II Plus to return. They gave me a bag with Danny's remains and a couple other things. They said how sorry they were about Danny and I started to cry. The clerk came out from around the counter and hugged me. I composed my self and went off the the gas station. It was Sun gas. On the internet, I thought it was Sunoco but it wasn't; It was an independent station called Sun. The price was $1.349. It is located arcoss the road from the Vet.
From there, I went to Wal-Mart. I got some LED Christmas lights. I needed a couple more strings of the blue/white and the red/green lights for my two trees. I haven't be able to find them for a couple years. I also got the plastic snow and two reels of led lights to replace the regular mini lights that are on my little trees that I line the drive with. The regular lights, were too much for my outdoor circuit that is on the same circuit as my bathroom. Last year, when I put on the lights and fan in my bathroom, the circuit would blow. The LED use very little electric.
I tried to find a couple jewerly stores in Middletown that were listed on the internet. I couldn't find them so I headed home and got my dinner.
I opened the package they gave me for Danny. His ashes were in a beautiful carved wooded box and they made a plaster paris cast of his paw with his name and date on it. They gave my a lovely sympathy card from the entire staff. It had the Rainbow Bridge poem on it.
After dinner, I called my friend, Dottie, to let her know how much I appreciated her helping me with Danny last week. It meant a lot to have her there with me. She is so sensitive and understanding. She is in a lot of pain with her back so keep her in your prayers.
When I got the mail, I got a sympathy card from Ted's mother. She also included a copy of the Rainbow Bridge poem. I'll post it tomorrow.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Posted by tedkarol at November 9, 2012 9:49 PMHi Karol, We're having a gorgeous day in Battle Creek, MI both yesterday and today. Everyone should try their best to enjoy every minute of it as they are predicting quite a downturn the first of the week. This is what living in a state with four seasons is all about, and, for the most part I love having four seasons. But, don't get me wrong, I'm sure I'll be complaining when we get that first big snowstorm.
Thinking of you Karol and praying that each day will be a bit easier for you. What a nice gesture from the vet's office to let you know they understand what your Danny Boy meant to you. I've never heard of anything like that and it is very special indeed that they understand that losing your pet is terribly painful. Love, Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at November 10, 2012 12:13 PMHi Karol,
Was glad to hear that you had Danny Boy creamated.
We did the same with our Cubby when we had to put him down. We kept his ashes on a shelf in our office but when I moved I sprinkled them on Ted's grave so they are together again. I still have the plac with his name and paw print.Now I have Sketter as Ted was insistant on getting another dog that he could hold on his lap. He is a lot of company.
Time will heal. Mother
Posted by: at November 11, 2012 8:14 AM