January 10, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

I went to exercise class this morning and then to breakfast at JoJo's with my friends. I saw my cousins, Bob and Jane having breakfast there, too. The restaurant is a lot busier now the Jack and Helen's has closed.

When I got home, I got a few things and went to Middletown. I exchanged a couple picture frames I had bought at Wal-Mart. I had gotten the wrong size. I also got a few items while I was there. I got some more suet cakes for the bird feeder. They were $.97. They were putting out their garden supplies. I also got some bathroom cleaner that gets rid of mold and mildew. I sprayed it on my siding. It was getting green with moss or algae. It bleaches right off. I also went to AutoZone to get a headlight for my car. I had the guy put it in for me. When I got home from my Verizon training, I drove down to the mailbox and my neighbor told me the light was out. No wonder the road seemed extra dark.

I worked some more on my puzzle. It is coming along pretty well now.

I will soon be off to choir practice. I wanted to blog early as Masterpiece Mystery will be on late tonight.

News from the Vorlon Wife.

Posted by tedkarol at January 10, 2013 6:17 PM
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