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One of my violets that Ted took years ago. My plants are not doing so well here. They don't get enough light. It has been over cast for weeks until today. My solar lights haven't been coming on. I did see one shinning brightly this evening.
I got up early and worked on my puzzle for a bit then I ate and went to the church to help Ursula to fold and stuff envelopes for mailing the offering statements for last year. It took longer than we thought as the windows in the envelopes were for checks and didn't line up for letters. We figured it out but had to make four folds instead of three. I had some lunch when I got home. I bought some soup from the Fellowship dinner last night. I had one of Ruth Orrell's biscuits with the soup.
After lunch, I drove down to the Kent County SPCA meet Sparky. It was about a half hour drive through rolling farmlands and a couple small towns. He ran around sniffing everything in the play yard. He hardly paid any attention to me until I sat down. Then he came over and stood on his hind legs with his front paws on my leg. I went to put him up but he barked. I don't know if he was barking at me or the other dogs in the SPCA who were barking up a storm. It looked like they had a lot of pit bulls. Sparky sniffed them all as he went past their cages. There were also a couple beagles and lots of cats in the cat area.
Sparky is white with black nose and eyes. I'll see if I can copy a photo of him and paste it in. His fur was cut short which means it was probably matted or maybe it was just groomed short. My neighbor keeps her Bishon groomed short. I forgot to ask his background. Whether he was a stray or why he was there. I filled out the application and should here from them next week.
On the way home, I took a photo of a church and stopped for gas at the Royal Farms in Cecilton. It was $3.299. I don't know whether there is a cheaper price or not but others along the way were five cents higher. I had trouble getting the pump to go. I tried three times and it just wouldn't start. I went inside and the clerk came out to help me. She got it going but I didn't see what I had done wrong.
When I got home, I walked down to the mailbox and it was cold. One of my neighbors stopped me to talk and I got cold standing there. I don't know why she wasn't cold, she had no coat on. It had been mild for weeks so the cold was felt more. It was also sunny today. I had to wear my sunglasses on the drive down to Kent Co.
I worked on my puzzle some more before dinner. It is really a tough one.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Posted by tedkarol at January 18, 2013 10:00 PMGood morning. Been a while since I've "Stopped by". We are in Mercedes TX only about 3 miles from the border.
Sparky! Gotta love a dog named Sparky. Our Lab was Sparky. I came up with that name because of Len being involved in volunteer fire fighting. I do hope your Sparky gives you as much job as ours did. He lived to be 15 which is quite a feat for a Lab.
Growing up in NJ I bet I've only had to pump my own gas 3 or 4 times. The first time I had no clue. Traveling Len does it.
Take care look forward to Spring!
Posted by: Phyllis at January 19, 2013 10:31 AMOOPS! Again I didn't proofread. I am hoping Sparky give you JOY, not a job. Although pups can be lots of work too! But well worth it for sure.
Posted by: Phyllis at January 19, 2013 10:32 AMI hate pumping gas. It was against the law in NJ for customers to pump gas. I was spoiled. One of my gloves smells like gasoline. Yuk! The handle of the gas pump is full of germs and was said to be one of the germiest surfaces there is. I keep that hand cleaner stuff in my car.
Posted by: Karol at January 19, 2013 10:18 PM