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It was cold this morning. It looked to be about 18. I wrapped up in my robe and blankets, watched the news and weather with my coffee. Had some breakfast and Liz called saying that exercise was canceled. There was about a half inch of snow on the ground. I had some more coffee and watched a western on the television. I started another puzzle. I did some wash and went outside, scrapped some snow off the steps and cleaned off my car. I took my DVD back to the library and got a quart of vegetable beef soup for lunch and supper. When I got back, the SPCA had called saying I was approved for Sparky. I called back and they said Sparky would be scheduled to be neutered on Thursday and I could pick him up after 3:30. I said, "OK and asked about Sparky's history. He was a stray so they did not know anything about him and no one came to claim him. What a shame. Well, he'll get a new home now. I have choir practice on Thursday but I'll skip it this week and get Sparky settled in. We have another practice on Sunday morning.
It only got up to 21 degrees today and it quite a jolt from the 60 degrees a few days ago. I spent the afternoon shredding documents from our business. I found some things from 1994 thrown in with 2004. A lot of emails from Ted that made me sad. I feel like I'm shredding our life. I still have a lot more to do. Each year, another box needs to be shred is a box and a half here in the computer room and more boxes in the shed. I have to go through them because they have employee ss numbers and customer's credit card numbers on them. It is a slow process and I only do it once in a while.
I did not go for a walk today because of the cold and wind. I did get my long down coat out to wear. When I went in to JoJo's for my soup, I said, "I, I'm Nanook from the North."
I have an extra day to get ready for Sparky. I put Danny's things in a plastic tote so I have to go through and see what I can use for Sparky. I hope Danny's coat and sweater fit him as it is cold this week.
I called Ted's cousin and left a message. I also called my mother's cousin, Joy. I had gotten a letter from another of my mother's cousins so I thought Joy would like to hear about it. Joy and I share so many family memories and she is so loving and caring.
I have Choral Society tonight. Nancy won't be going so it will be just me and Joan. It will be cold when I get home tonight so I'm blogging now. This room get cold.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Hi Karol, I'm so happy to hear that you are going to give Sparky the best home he ever thought possible. He is truly a "lucky dog". On the other hand, he is going to make your life richer because the two of you will become the best of friends. It does look like he has been trimmed pretty short so I hope Danny's sweater fits him. I am really really happy for you Karol and for Sparky!!!
I also understand your sorrow when you come across anything that reminds you of Ted. We understand because we have to deal with those same issues concerning our daughter Andrea. I understand that raw feeling of pain you experience when you are having to shred the business papers. Deep grief goes on and on and on it seems. However, I am so proud of you and your strength. You have chosen to live instead of mourning everyday. This is exactly what Ted would have wanted for you.
Again, let me say how very happy I am for you and Sparky. He'll soon be in a truly good and happy home. Love you Karol, Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at January 23, 2013 2:33 PM