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Wow! It's been a while. I have either been busy or exhausted. Last Tuesday, we cut exercise class short to help set up tables for our friend, Jean's funeral luncheon. Wednesday, I went to the church to help get the food ready, set up, serve, and clean-up. I also did yard work all week. Thursday, I took my parents anniversary clock back to the jeweler's because it wasn't working after they had fixed it. The man said, " Did you wind it up?" I felt like an idiot. I didn't know it had to be wound up. I thought the pendulum kept it going. I didn't know it had a key. I'll have to go through Don's house to see if I can find it. Meanwhile, I have a tiny wrench that was part of Ted's set. It fits and I"ll able to wind it up.
Friday, I helped set up the tables for the Ecumenical Assoc. yard sale at St. Roses RC Church. When I got home, I cut the grass. Of course the temp was in the 80's.
Saturday was the yard sale. It was a county wide event. I got a few things for myself. A pair of duck boots that are made of rubber and leather. I had two pair of rain boots which are make of plastic and crack. One pair cracked in three weeks and the other lasted six months. The grass is wet in the morning when I take out the dog. I also got a framed stained glass of a lighthouse to put in my bathroom window. I bought a cake to take to my nephew's for our Mother's Day dinner on Sunday.
In the afternoon, I took Sparky to the vet to get his K9 flu booster. This is the third time he's been there and he now knows what that place is. I sat down on a chair to wait our turn and he jumped up on my lap, climbed up my arm, onto my shoulder and head and pawed at the window. He wanted out of that place. When the technician came to get him, Sparky put on his brakes and was shaking. I told the young man he was scared so he picked Sparky up. When he came out, he said that Sparky was good. He was one happy dog to get out of there. On the way home, I went to the library to get some movies. One was Marley and Me. I could never get a dog or animal movie when I had Danny Boy. He would bark and carry on in front of the television. Sparky will look when he hears a dog barking but doesn't pay any more attention to it. What a bad bog Marley was. He made Sparky look like a good dog.
On my way home from St. Rose's, I drove by the Blue Max Bed and Breakfast and saw a pair of bar stools in their sale. They were make of wood and had the Hitchcock backs and swiveled. I had priced them and the cheapest I could find was $100.00 each. I asked the man what he wanted for them and they were $30.00 for the two. I said if I can get them in my car I'll take them. He helped me put them in the back seat. One going one way and the other going the other way. They fit so now I have stools for my kitchen counter. More yard work.
Sunday was church and Sunday School. Then it was off the Rick and Michelle's for Mother's Day dinner. I hadn't gotten any cards or flowers for the mother's in my family so I picked some irises for Cheryl, Michelle, Sylvia and Michelle's mother, Joanne. They were pretty blue ones. I transplanted some of them last year and Don gave me some and so did my neighbor, John. They all seem to be blue. The other's either are later bloomers or didn't like being transplanted. Don said his were a darker purple and I do see some about to bloom which may be a dark purple. It's hard to tell because the buds on the blue ones look like a dark purple.
Monday and Tuesday I was tired out and didn't do much but lay around. I didn't go to exercise class but neither did anyone else. My neighbor, John and Carol brought me a butterfly bush so I had to weed the area I wanted to put it. It was full of zoiza grass and wild strawberry vine. What a job to get that stuff out. Pray for Carol, she had surgery for breast cancer and now she has an infection in the incision.
Monday, I went to Elkton to go to K-Mart, Dollar Tree Deals , and the Acme. I needed some cup hooks for the molding I put in the laundry room to hang mops and brooms on. I needed a few other things. I then stopped at the Greenhouse to look at their plants. They had only red and white portulacas. I like the multicolored ones. I did find a tray of wax plant begonias for the back yard. I gave up on impatiens because they need so much water and we're not supposed to water the grass or flowers only garden veges or grass seed. Therefore, the impatiens do not do well. They need to be watered twice a day.
Wednesday was Bible Study. Afterward, I went to the Apple House to get some portulacas. I also got 10 azaleas which were on sale because they had finished blooming. In addition, I got 4 dalias and 2 pink geraniums. Lots more yard work to do and I need more mulch.
My neighbor, John, stopped by on his way out of the mobile home park. He was very upset and said he had to put "Baby" down. Baby was their little Bishon. John was broken hearted. I stoped in to see Diane and she gave me Baby's treats. A big box of dog biscuits and a big jar of treats. Baby was Danny's friend and Sparky's friend. Baby had either Kidney stones or a tumor and was in a lot of pain. The vet said surgery may or may not work and the chances for this coming back were very high. I will miss Baby standing in their window looking out at us as we walked by. He was a cute little guy; white with black nose and eyes. He was the same size as Sparky but a little broader.
When walking Sparky in the evening, we stopped by my neighbor, Marlene's so Sparky could see her dog, Leyla. Sometimes we walk to the mailbox together but we had both been to the mailbox already. Marlene walked back to my house with me and I showed her all my flowers. When I got to the little red Japanses maple that Tina had given me, I saw it had leaves like a dogwood. It had red bark so I thought it was a red maple. Surprise! Surprise! When it's a good thing as my dogwood had been damaged by hurricane Sandy and it doesn't look like it will survive. The wind had knocked it down. I staked it back up but it had not taken root and it has not bloomed. It has buds on it and it looks like they may bloom yet. We will see.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Posted by tedkarol at May 16, 2013 7:02 AMHi, Good to hear from you. You're one busy lady. We're finally having great weather. Spring came very late in Michigan. Our dogwood is in full bloom and it looks lovely. It doesn't seem like it's quite as full as it was before being battered by a big storm last year. They told us when we bought it that it was a rather touchy tree to care for. Dave fertilizes it and so far so good.
I'm having some laser surgery done on both of my eyes with the hope of them improving after my hard hitting UTI. Doctors thought I was having a stroke because I displayed every symptom, but discovered that a UTI can cause the very same symptoms. My eyes are very bad now and I'm sure hoping the laser surgery will help to restore what I lost. My memory has improved and I can once again write my name. If anyone reading this has trouble with UTI's, be sure to get it treated until you are sure it is totally cleared up. I never had any idea thisinfection could cause such severe symptoms. I also had a very high cqlcium count and that too can be very serious. Doctors should advise us as to how much Vitamind C and D we should be taking daily. Again, taking too much can also cause serious problems. I learned all this the hard way.
Enjoy the beautiful days. We sure are in Michigan because we began to wonder if it was ever going to warm up. Ruth
Posted by: Ruth at May 17, 2013 10:27 AMPraying for you that your laser surgery goes well. So sorry you have not been well. Hope Dave is well.
Posted by: at May 19, 2013 6:38 AM