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Saturday, September 20, 2014
I went to the Chesapeake City Ecumenical Assoc. to see if they had any sheets I could use. I cover my bed with a sheet to keep the dog from getting the covers all dirty. They were having a Free Clothing Give Away. They are overstocked on clothing. I stayed to help my friend, Carol sort through the new donations of clothes. I had told my neighbor, Robbie about it. He has 4 children and was able to get several outfits for them and some work jeans for himself. He also got a nice pair of western boots. I found a pair of corduroy jeans for the winter. Corduroy pants are hard to find.
I did some weeding when I got home. It took longer than I thought to do that section because of the zoysa grass that was growing in between my irises. I hate that stuff. It really got a good hold. It's roots were intertwined with the iris roots and it was hard to get out.
My neighbors down the street invited me to their son's birthday party. They are Mexican and wanted me to try their Mexican Food. Juan cooked up about 10 pounds of pork in a large copper kettle over a cooker he had made. He used what looked like a canoe paddle to stir it. He had brought the kettle and paddle from Mexico. Not many of their friends and family spoke English. I just smiled a lot. When I arrived, the children were watching a movie on TV even that was in Spanish. The children explained what was going on. They are all very nice people. Some of the men were dressed in western outfits. I asked if the area they came from in Mexico was like our west. They said, Yes. One man's father had a ranch and all wore western apparel. One guest, Maria, said that they were western style in the country but not in the cities. I see Juan wearing a cowboy hat sometimes. One time I asked him what area he was from but I am not very familiar with Mexico except for the tourist destinations. I have a stereotype image of Mexicans wearing sombreros.
Juan's wife, Deloris, made a rice dish and a bean dish. It served myself some rice and she offered me the beans which I saw jalapenos floating in it. She said it mas mildly spicy so I tried it. It had beans, pork, and slices of hot dog in it. It was good and the pork was served with tortias to wrap it in. I tried some salad that looked sort of like cole slaw. Momma Mia, that was spicy hot. Maria had brought another salad she said was mild. Momma Mia on that one too.
Although, they mostly spoke Spanish, they sang Happy Birthday in English. A custom of theirs is to push the birthday person's face into the cake. I hope that piece was served to young Juan. My piece seemed intact. It was served with what looked like a jello chiffon dish. It looked yummy. It looked like lime jello but it tasted like coconut and coconut is one of the few things I do not like. All in all, I had a nice time. They are all very nice people.
News from the Vorlon Wife.