December 22, 2014

Sunday, December 21. 2014



Chesapeake City UMC with candles in the windows.

I went to church this morning and found that Ted's name was not on the list for the memorial poinsettias. I was so ticked I could not focus on the service. I gave the lady my list twice and she took my records off my desk and now I have no record of who paid. The pastor said to print the partial list which I had objected to even before I knew my name wasn't on it. I had to write a check to the greenhouse and the woman forgot to bring me the money she had collected. I can't believe people run around with the church's money. They drive me nuts.

It was finally a nice day with sunshine. Enjoy while we have it as the next three days got back to mist, rain, cloudy, cold and miserable. This is the dreariest December I ever remember.

News from the Vorlon Wife

Posted by tedkarol at December 22, 2014 6:06 AM
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