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More forms to fill out today and get into the mail. We decided to go out to lunch as we were getting tired of the same food we’ve been eating all week.
We went to a Restaurant near Wheaton Village and were going to go into the shops but the winter hours are from Friday to Sunday.
I noticed my Inspection sticker had 2/2007 and thought OH,NO! Since today is the last day of February, we spent the next 2 hours in line at the Inspection Station. At least it’s done and I won’t be getting a ticket. Had we stayed home, I would not have realized it was time for inspection. I checked the Vorlon’s car and it’s not due for another year.
We had a small dinner as we had a big lunch. We walked Danny Boy and will have to take him out one more time before bedtime.
News from the Vorlon Wife.
Today, I made a list of things to do. I completed some paper work and went to the building manager’s office to fax some documents and make some copies. I had to cancel the dental insurance, and update the health insurance. I had update the cell phone account.
I picked up the mail. I hope to finish up all the loose ends of the business soon.
Tomorrow, I have to prepare more forms.
Naomi and I got some groceries at the Shop Rite. For dinner, Naomi prepared stuffed shells, sausage, and meatballs.
One day at a time.
News from the Vorlon Wife
The day started with taking Danny boy for his morning walk. Then it was coffee and breakfast for Naomi and me. We made a list of things I needed to do or find out what I needed to do. Then we started down the list.
Unemployment: I missed my orientation and had to call so I wouldn’t be disqualified from my unemployment. The lady gave me a number and said to call back Wednesday after 3:30.
Our Life Insurance agent.
My Financial Investments: They will send a kit of instructions to update my account, which I could do online.
Heath Insurance. I had to fill out more forms.
I Terminated all employees for dental insurance.
Canceled my cell phone and will use Teds.
After the calls, Naomi, Danny Boy and I went to the the insurance agents office to pick up the forms, the grocery store for dog food, the bank, the office to pick up the company mail and the cleaners to drop off Ted’s shirts.
We had lunch and lazed around in the afternoon.
We pruned the flowers and put some of the food in the freezer as we had more than we could eat.
After dinner, we had several phone calls, Bill Vest, offering the sympathy, Sonia and the Vorlon Parents calling to see how I’m doing and the Vorlon sister called to let me know they arrived home safely. They had left this morning and drove straight through to Michigan.
We watched the Sci-Fi Channel and then I took Danny Boy for his nighttime walk. He barked at my neighbor Bennie as Bennie offered his sympathy.
It’s been rather quite today, Kathy, the Vorlon Sister, and Ned picked us up for church. After church, we drove out to Coia’s Nursery to pick up a flower delivery we had missed yesterday. It was a lovely large dish garden from the Snyder Family.
Danny Boy is jealous of my typing at the computer. He wants to sit in my lap and if I don’t pet him, he walks on the keyboard.
We had a nice lunch with all the food people have given to us.
Sleet started falling while we were having dinner. It has turned to snow and is still falling.
It looks like Danny Boy wants to go out so I’ll take him and hope to get to bed early tonight. I’m tired.
News for the Vorlon Wife
Ted had a beautiful service. I have printed the program below.
First Baptist Church
1155 E Landis Avenue
Vineland, New Jersey
The Funeral of Ted Armstrong
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Opening Words Pastor Bennett
Hynm No. 54 “Great is Thy Faithfulness”
Invocation Pastor Bennett
Choir “Softly and Tenderly”
Old Testament Reading – Comments Rev. Dr. Donchez
Last Chapter Job & 23rd Psalm
Solo Beyond the Sunset Carolyn Bates
New Testament Readings – Comments Pastor Bennett
2 Timothy 4:7 (King James Version)
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
Choir “It is Well With Soul”
Rich Catando
Rose Williams
Donald Ross
Eric Guggleberger
Benediction Pastor Bennett
Trumpet Solo “Amazing Grace” Ray Bates
(as people leave the Sanctuary)
Procession to cemetery in Broomall PA. where we were joined by family and friends from Pennsylvania.
Bagpiper, Jim Herrington, played “Amazing Grace and other hymns.
Pastor Bennett Gave the committal
Ned Swift read an email letter to Karol
It is with great sadness that I regret that I will be out of town speaking and will be unable to be there for the services.
You and Ted both have always been such a support to me and to my ministry. You both set such a fine Christian example of kindness and hospitality by always including me in your circle of friendship.
Acts 11:24 Luke writes these words concerning Barnabas: "He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And a great many people were brought to the Lord."
As I thought about what I would say if I were able to be there for the service, this scripture came to mind as a very appropriate one. Ted like Barnabas was full of the Holy Spirit and Faith, an encouragement to many including myself. Ted also rejoiced in the work of the Lord, always glad to see people in the church. Ted is a testimony to what God can do through those who trust him. A good man is the man with a strong sense of pride and strength of the church and a blessing to the community.
We will also grieve because of the loss of his dedicated "hands" from his work in the ministry no matter what church he belonged to. If Ted told you he was going to do something you could depend on it being done and done well, Ted defined integrity.
Pastor Dawn Reed
Media Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Donchez read from Rev.
Revelation 21
The New Jerusalem
1Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
Benediction Pastor Bennett
Flowers were placed on the casket and we went to the Country Squire for lunch.
Vorlon News from the Vorlon Wife
Thank you to all the Vorlon Family and Friends who have been so supportive and helpful. Ted has touched so many lives and all of you have touched ours.
The arrangemnets have been made and below is the obituary from the Atlantic City Press.
Theodore P. "Ted" Armstrong
ARMSTRONG, THEODORE P., "TED", 61 - of Vineland, passed away after an extended illness on Thursday Feb. 22, 2007 at home. Theodore was born in Hastings, Michigan to Theodore H. and Phylis (Cutler) Armstrong and lived in Vineland for the past 25 years. He graduated from Lakewood High School class of 1963 in Lake Odessa, Mich. Ted went on to earn a degree in engineering from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida, and an MBA from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Rensselaer, N.Y. Ted was a self-employed computer software consultant for Eastern Business Solutions for 20 years. He was a member of the Boardwalk Toastmasters, serving as Vice Pres. of education within the Toastmasters, and also attended the First Baptist Church in Vineland. Ted enjoyed jogging, digital photography and computer blogging. Ted is survived by his loving wife of 35 years, Karol (Orrell) Armstrong of Vineland; his parents, Theodore "Ted" H. and Phylis (Cutler) Armstrong of Lake Odessa, Mich.; one brother Thomas J. Armstrong and wife Mary of Ann Arbor, Mich.; one sister Kathy S. Swift and husband Ned of Lowell, Mich.; several nieces and nephews, one grand niece and one grand nephew. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, Feb. 24, 2007 at 10:00 A.M. from the First Baptist Church, 1155 E. Landis Ave. Vineland, with the Rev. Richard Bennett officiating. Burial will follow at Glenwood Memorial Gardens in Broomall, P.A. Viewing will be from 9-10 A.M. at the church. Memorial donations in honor of Ted may be made to the First Baptist Church or the Salvation Army, P.O. Box 354 Vineland, NJ 08362. Written condolences to the family may be e-mailed to wbfuneralhome@comcast.net . Arrangements were entrusted to Wainwright-Bernhardt Funeral Home, Vineland.
Published in The Press of Atlantic City on 2/23/2007.
The Vorlon’s viewing will be held at 9:00am with services at 10:00 am at the First Baptist Church, 1155 Landis Ave., Vineland, NJ.
Saturday, February 24th
Burial will be at Glenwood Memorial Gardens, 2321 West Chester Pike, Broomall, PA at 12:30.
Thank all of you for the wonderful comments you have posted to the blog. Ted was surrounded by such supportive and loving family and friends.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife.
This site is dedicated to the
Memory of
The Vorlon
Theodore P. Armstrong
03/03/1945 – 02/22/2007
I wish I had better news to all the Vorlon family and friends. The Vorlon had another rough night, as his breathing was erratic. I had to give him morphine. This helps with pain and breathing. I gave it to him every four hours so I set the alarm on his palm. His breathing finally leveled off but was shallow. He is not responsive but when I cry, tears fall from his eyes. I guess that’s a response. He is unable to talk. I wish I knew what he was thinking. Thoughts are trapped inside his head.
The hospice nurse said he will not see morning. His pulse is weak and she could not get a blood pressure reading. I will be continuing with the morphine through the night. He seems to be sleeping peacefully.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife
The Vorlon had a rough night Monday and into Tuesday. His breathing was labored and periods of non-breathing. Nora and I were awake until 3:00am worried about him not making it through the night. I finally told Nora to go up and I laid down with one ear listening to his breathing. He was better in the morning and rested well. Nora and I took a long nap this afternoon.
It looks like another night like last night but it has started earlier and the Vorlon parents are sitting with him.
I painted an awful picture of the building manager. She was actually trying to be helpful and did help sort through the files. It was her boss that was on her back. She just caught me at the wrong moment. Her young daughter helped shred stuff. She enjoyed doing that. She and her family helped with the big move on Saturday. She is also helping with phone calls to find someone to donate or sell the remaining office furniture and equipment.
I had several phone calls today from the Vorlon clients, friends, and our family doctor. All inquiring about Ted and me. They all offered their support and prayers. Thank you very much.
I’m going to get back down to the Vorlon now.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife
The Vorlon labored with his breathing today. Although he seemed tired, he did not sleep.
After calling hospice and telling them I was disappointed with there service, the building manager at our office called and her boss wanted me out by the end of the week. I was really ticked. We were the only company that paid our rent on time.
Nora and I went to the office taking two cars so we could load all the stuff. Some stuff came home and some went to the storage bin. We had to go through filing cabinets and desks, shredding document that had credit card numbers of our clients. I still have two more file cabinets to go through.
I still have to move some shelves home and some to the storage bins. I have to do something with the copy machine and the telephones. Then decide what gets donated to a charity and/or what gets sold.
We took the stuff to the storage bin and I had a hard time opening it. I need to take a hammer and chisel to get the latch open. I used my tire iron today.
I have some banking to take care of and hopefully that should take care of the business.
Returning home, the visiting nurse and home health aide had been there. They brought the supplies. I’m still waiting on the equipment. Ted really needs an air mattress. He is getting bedsores. I hope it comes tomorrow.
Well, I am exhausted so I’ll be calling it a night.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife
The Vorlon had a rough night last night. He was in pain and his breathing was erratic. I gave him some Morphine to help with both of those symptoms. He was a little better today, but slept most of the time. We got his pain under control and he seemed to be more comfortable.
The Vorlon brother went home and my cousin Nora arrived. Nora had some helpful hints for caring for Ted.
The Vorlon Mother baked a delicious apple pie. I wish Ted could have enjoyed it. Apple pie is his favorite especially one baked by his mother.
So many of our family and friends have been wonderful in helping and praying for Ted. I am grateful to all of you. Thank you very much.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife
The Vorlon was up at 5:00 today. He was in pain so I gave him his pain medication. He slept for a while and I walked Danny Boy at 6:00 am. I wanted to get an early start as I was moving some things from the office to the storage bin. My friends, Len and Phyllis met me at the storage place as Len drive trucks and he offered his services.
A lot of friends showed up to load and unload 2 trucks. Rob and Brianna had a truck to bring things to the house. Rob and brother, Don brought in some shelves and boxes of stuff to put on them.
Ray, a friend from church, Alex, my next door neighbor, Rick, Ann and their daughter, Carly, plus Phyllis and I went through the offices, packed things up and carried them out to the trucks. It did not take very long. We packed up and drove to the storage place, which is around the block from the office. We unloaded and placed the stuff in the bin. I took a couple desks and file cabinets that I made need for tax purposes, There was also some Christmas decoration for the office and other stuff that I’ll need to sort out.
There is still some stuff let in the office that I will probably donate to Ranch Hope, a home for troubled boys. They have an auction out in Cowtown. They will come get the stuff.
When I got home, Ted was in pain again. I gave him his medicine and he has been sleeping eve since. He doesn’t look well. I am afraid the end is near. I am so grateful to all our friends and family who have been so supportive. Thank you for all your kind thoughts and prayers.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife
The Vorlon had a lot of excitement today. His parents and brother are here and his nephew and fiancée drove up from Baltimore. He had a phone call from his friend, Doctor Dave.
Meanwhile, the Vorlon brother and I went to the office to meet Mike our computer hardware man. Mike took down the computer system and moved it to our house. He set it up in the computer room.
The Vorlon nephew and his fiancée, Mary, met us at the office and carried some things out to the car. They then went to the Pizza Shop, got a Pizza for our lunch, and picked up an ice cream cake for the Vorlon’s birthday. They wanted to celebrate with the family here. The Vorlon’s birthday is March 3rd.
Mike was bringing and setting up the computers while the visiting nurse came with the home health aide. Danny Boy barked a little at Mike and the nurse but he really barked at the home health aide. I had to muzzle him for a while. He lies on the floor and pouts.
We have been waiting for Hospice to bring the equipment for 3 days. The Visiting Nurse Cooperative’ bed goes out the Hospice bed comes in. He also gets a bed table and an air mattress for his bed and a few other things.
The Vorlon had a long day and took a nap after the home aide left.
I am ready for a long winter’s nap myself.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife
The Vorlon had a busy day today. First, his sister called from Michigan and then his niece’s husband called from South Korea.
Cheryl left early so she would not hit DC traffic on her way home. I wanted to meet the computer man at the office to bring the computers home and get them set up so I called a man from the church to come and stay with Ted. After he got there, I thought the computer guy might not be ready until late afternoon so I told Dale to go home and I would call him when the computer guy called me. Needless to say, right after Dale left, the Computer guy called. Anyway, we arranged to move the computers tomorrow.
Hospice was supposed to come and set up Ted’s equipment i.e. hospital bed, over the bed table, commode, etc. We have some equipment from the visiting nurse association but Hospice uses their own. It was supposed to be all co-coordinated. Two guys showed up with the oxygen equipment. Ted does not need it but they sent it anyway in case he should need it down the road.
Next Marty came to visit the Vorlon. He is the one we have an agreement with about our client list. He was in the area and stopped in to say hello.
Next came the Vorlon parents and the Vorlon brother. They will be staying for the weekend. The Vorlon parents may stay longer but the Vorlon brother must get back to work.
Cheryl had prepared a casserole for them so I just had to put it in the oven. She had also made a cheese pie we had for dessert.
The Vorlon had a long day. He was up at 5:00am and just managed to close his eyes at 8:45. I hope he sleeps well and did not get overtired.
Danny Boy had a great time barking at everyone.
I too have been up since 5:00am so I’m looking forward to a good nights sleep.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife.
Well it had snowed and then changed to rain by the morning and Danny Boy did his #2 business very quickly. He was in his yellow rain coat as it was really coming down. He decided to forego his morning walk and headed right back into the house. He ran upstairs and piddled in the bathroom on the linoleum.
He doesn’t mind snow but he doesn’t like rain. At least he goes in a spot that is easy to clean.
The Vorlon had several visitors today. His Toastmaster friends, Rich, Dave, and Phil came for about an hour. I had made coffee and Cheryl had made a cheesecake but they didn’t want to tire Ted out so they left. Ted was happy to see them as he had missed them last week when he was at the hospital.
After lunch, the Hospice Chaplain came to visit us. He talked to the Vorlon and Vorlon Wife and then prayed with us.
The Vorlon rested and slept most of the afternoon and evening.
He is looking forward to his parents and brother coming tomorrow.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife
Today, I made the painful decision to place the Vorlon on Hospice Care. He is very weak and needed additional help with his care. He seemed receptive to it.
I also got some friends lined up to move some desks and filing cabinets from the office to the storage unit. A free truck rental comes with the move-in to the storage unit. Len will drive the truck. He is my friend Phyllis’s husband. They invited us for Christmas dinner when Ted wasn’t able to make the trip to PA. Len also stayed with Ted while Phyllis and I went to a dinner meeting of the Human Resource Assoc. of SNJ. I had not been able to attend for a while and Phyllis thought I needed a night out.
The building manager for our office recruited her daughter and son-in-law to help. Rob has a truck so he can bring some things home that I will need at the house. My brother will come and our friend Ray from church will come. It has been wonderful to have so many great friends who have supported us.
Now, I have to get the computers out and set up at home before Sat. I called our hardware person three times and I’m not sure he’s interested in doing it. I have a couple other people I can contact so I hope all goes well.
The Vorlon was sleeping but I woke him up when I rolled his bed over next to mine. He was still sleepy so I’ll be going down to see if he needs anything. I’ll do some reading and then it’s off to bed for me.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon wife.
The Vorlon had a little better day today. He talked on the phone to his brother and to his friend Dr. Dave. He was happy to talk to them.
He didn’t eat much as food tastes terrible to him. He drank some water and his Boost. Things he used to like, he no longer likes. He was on the sofa on the sun porch most of the day with Danny Boy. I think he has trouble seeing because he asked what was the lath board doing sticking out of the wall. It was actually the shadow from the mini blinds.
I went to the office to bring home a few things including the 5 gallon bottled water that the water company would not take back. I left the door open as I was carrying these in. Ted yelled Danny got out. I looked around and ran out side calling him and he came back around the corned running up to me wagging his tale. It’s a good thing Danny did not see a cat or stray dog as he would be gone.
We wheeled the Vorlon into the kitchen in his wheel chair for breakfast and dinner. It gives him a change of scenery and he can sit at the table with us. After dinner, I had him brush his teeth and took him to his bed on the sun porch. He didn’t have much of a nap today so he fell right to sleep.
Thank you to all the kind Vorlon Friends who have been so supportive through this long illness. Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife
The Vorlon had a rough night last night. He was awake at 2:00am and didn’t go back to sleep until 2:45. He was in his hospital bed on the sun porch with me on the sofa bed. He wondered why I was not sleeping next to him. The sun porch was rearranged to accommodate the hospital bed and he seemed confused about where he was.
He started out drinking plenty of liquids this morning then took a nap for most of the afternoon. He had some more confusion upon waking up. He wasn’t very hungry but drank his Boost.
I put him down on the sofa bed and pulled the hospital bed over next to him. I hope that will help him feel more secure.
I wish I had better new to report but there will be ups and downs. Pray for a better day tomorrow.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife
The Vorlon was alert today. He had two visitors. The Vorlon brother-in-law and the Vorlon Toastmaster Friend. Don came to the office with me and helped me with the fish tank. He carried the 5 gallon water jugs out to the car while I drained ¾ of the water out of the tank. Don then took the fish tank to the car. He had loaded some other things in there too. We slowly made our trek home. It reminded me of a commercial where the guy said he couldn’t race his car because he had a gold fish in a bowl on the front seat.
Upon arrival, Bill our Toastmaster friend, was there visiting Ted. Cheryl prepared a pot roast for dinner and a cherry pie. Don and Bill helped with reassembling the fish tank and now the Vorlon can looked across from his bed and see his fish.
The Vorlon parents sent a lovely Valentine floral arrangement. It has red roses, red carnations and small white mums in a valentine vase.
The Vorlon had a long day and I think he is over tired he is still awake and it is way past his bedtime.
I’m going to do some reading and then turn in myself.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife
The Vorlon had a good day today. He drank plenty of liquids and ate very well. Cheryl made him some custard which he enjoyed. Pastor Bennett and Newton Bates, the deacon came to visit. Danny Boy jumped right up into Pastor Bennett's lap.
I was at work all day and didn't get to enjoy his good day. I had to tie up some loose ends. We had some receipts come in and I had to straigten out some bills. I still have more to do. Some friends came in to hepl pack things up. I don't know what I'm going to do with it all. I'll rent a storage unit for the records I'll need to keep. I guess I'll donate the office furniture to Ranch Hope for their auction at Cow Town. It was very hard having to be in the office knowing I had to shut it down. I had been there for 17 years. I have to shut off the phones, the alarm system, the T1 line, and other things keep popping up.
The Vorlon's hospital bed came today and it makes things easier for Ted and his caretakers.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife
First the good news: The Vorlon’s blood pressure came down
Next the bad news: He was so weak and dehydrated he had to go to the emergency room via ambulance to get IV Fluids.
Good new again: He came home after the IV and tests were administered.
He was alert today and the EMT and I were able to help him walk up the three steps to the house.
He was disappointed he missed his Toastmaster Friends who had come to visit him. I’d tried to call them but they had already left the homes. They live down the shore as we call it here in South Jersey and the Philadelphia area. We go down to the shore. After we get to the shore, we go to the beach.
Cheryl was here to greet the Toastmaster’s and she had them carry a table upstairs to the computer room so I could bring the computers home from work.
Well, we all had a long day so we are all going to bed early.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife
The Vorlon had a difficult day today. He was very tired and weak. His blood pressure was up, the visiting nurse called the doctor, and had a prescription called in. After taking his medicine, the blood pressure came down but then climbed back up again. I called the doctor and he said Ted wasn’t in any danger but to give him his medicine again tomorrow morning. If it is back up in the afternoon, he may change the amount of his dosage. The Vorlon stayed in bed most of the day. We sat him in his computer chair and wheeled him into the computer room. He ate his lunch while I worked on some disability forms online.
Filling out the forms took longer than I anticipated and I had to sign off to put the Vorlon back into bed. He slept the rest of the afternoon, had some dinner and went back to sleep.
We are hoping for a better day tomorrow.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife
The Vorlon worked out with the Physical Therapist today and did quite well with his exercises. We are to continue with them until the Vorlon is strong enough to increase the activity with more intense exercises.
There is always something exciting going on around here. The Vorlon spilled his protein drink all over the Vorlon Dog. I put the dog in the washtub and hosed him down. It was 8:00pm and the Vorlon wanted to go to bed right then and there. I left the dog in the washtub and helped Cheryl get the Vorlon upstairs.
When I got back to the laundry room, Danny Boy had jumped onto the washer and was whining for me. I put him back into the washtub and finished giving him his bath. I lifted him onto the washer, dried him with a towel, and took him upstairs. I had to keep a hold of him while I got out the hair dryer and plugged it in. If he got away, he would jump on the bed all wet. I finally got him mostly dried off and he took off like a jet downstairs to escape me and my dryer. He ran through the living room as if he was jet propelled.
I worked most of the day getting the computer room ready for the office computers to be moved in. Maybe we can get that done on Friday.
The Vorlon had a good day today. He was up early and very alert. He went to the Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor at 12:30. His ear infection had cleared up and they did some hearing tests on him. He has lost significant hearing, which may be from the chemo.
He took a nap upon returning. It was brutal out thee today. I don’t think the temp got much above 14 degrees and the wind was 20 to 30 miles an hour.
The Vorlon ate a good dinner and enjoyed some Blueberry Cobbler that the Vorlon Friend had made. He enjoyed talking with the Vorlon Parents and the Vorlon Brother on the phone.
He went off to be and I had to brave the Artic Chill to walk the dog. The cold doesn’t faze him as he has three inches of fur on him. He did start limping so I picked him up and brought him home. The pad on his foot appeared to be swollen and had a point sticking out of it. I put on my reading glasses to examine it closer and I thought his pad had come off in my hand. I wondered why it wasn’t bleeding then realized it was half an acorn shell. It had become lodged in his foot.
I was relieved to find he wasn’t injured. Danny boy scooted up to join the Vorlon in bad.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife
Ted got up and was ready to go downstairs. The Vorlon Friend made the Vorlon a good breakfast while I went to church. He slept most of the afternoon. Cheryl stayed with him while I ran some errands. I got him up for dinner and he was very alert. We talked with his parents on the phone and they are planning to come out for a visit and help with the Vorlon.
The Vorlon was worried that he was getting behind on his exercises so we did some before he went to sleep.
He is tired so he should sleep good tonight.
Vorlon news from the Vorlon Wife.
Ted has been having difficulty entering his Blog. I'm not sure if I know how to do this but if sucessful, I owe thanks to Chad Everett and Reb Orrell.
The Vorlon has good moments and not so good moments. He requires constant care and I now have a good friend staying with me and several other friends who will take a turn to stay with me and help out.
The Vorlon Brother and Vorlon nephew came to visit today from Baltimore. We had a nice lunch prepared by my friend and the Vorlon enjoyed his family.
Well, let's see if this works.
Vorlons news from the Vorlon Wife
(Photo at left: Ted & Karol, 2004 Orrell Family Reunion)
NOTE: This blog entry is being posted by Reb Orrell, cousin to Karol and friend to Ted.
As everyone knows, Ted's condition is not good. He was released from the hospital this week and has been brought home.
Either I, or Karol, will be making entries, updating everyone on his condition.
Hopefully with frequent updates, this method will serve to let everyone know of what is happening with Ted. Also, this method will really help out Karol with the number of phone calls and emails.
I made similiar entries a few months ago with my father on my personal blog and on the Orrell Family Association blog, during the month of October.
At a time like this no one really knows what to say. It's difficult to find the words to convey to Ted, Karol, or Ted's parents and family.
Many people feel completely helpless; not knowing what they can do.
All of that is completely natural, under the circumstances.
If you live nearby and can assist with Ted's care, by all means, let Karol know (Armstrong@tedkarol.com). I believe, Cheryl Heller, is currently with Karol and Ted.
My wife, Nora, has already gotten approval to take a week off work to go stay with Ted and Karol.
I am planning, every few weeks, to go up to Vineland, New Jersey, on Friday nights and come back to Baltimore on Sunday nights.
I'm sure friends and members of their church will assist during the day, as much as they can.
Everything is greatly appreciated.
For those who are further away, there is one thing you can do to help.
Ted & Karol, and Ted's parents need prayer now more than ever.